I suggest to start with the Principles and MC Moves.
Yeah, I will jot down a take on the principles and MC moves. These should be pretty easy to make interesting, since the show featured so many genres, foes and developments in its 7 year run.
I am leaning towards a planet-side game, then add a starship framework afterwards.
I am seeing fronts like different cultures/races (the Romulans, the Klingons, even the Vulcans), space anomalies, pirates, the whole nine yards.
Think about the Borg. Basically, you can lift the warlord from AW, and it's right there in the AW book, no change needed: the Hive Queen. Impulse: to consume tech and flesh.
Drones/Unique Technology.
- Assimilate. A drone assimilates a PC with nano-probes, creating a zombie-like shell of a man with no free will (See the first real ST:TNG movie)
MC Moves for the Borg:
Outflank someone, corner someone, encircle someone.
• Attack someone suddenly, directly, and very hard.
• Attack someone cautiously, holding reserves.
• Seize someone or something, for leverage or information.
• Make a show of force.
• Make a show of discipline.
• Offer to negotiate. Demand concession or obedience.
• Claim territory: move into it, blockade it, assault it.
• Buy out someone’s allies.
• Make a careful study of someone and attack where they’re weakest.
That's a straight lift and it fits.
and lastly, just some agenda:
GM Agenda - more or less the same:
- Make the galaxy a real place. Also, a place with conflicts all over.
- Make the characters real and make their lives interesting. Shouldn't be too hard: Starfleet admirals always have gaseous anomalies that need checking out.
- Play to see what happens. The galaxy is as huge a sandbox as you get.