Maybe I should add why I don't/didn't like Go Aggo as an MC? It felt like I was just making a judgement call anyway. Okay, so I can choose take damage or back down. Couldn't I have done that anyway? That's all covered by the fiction.
The first time I MC'ed back in early 2011 I had a player that went aggro on a 7-9 and I had the NPC "back up with hands up" and the players said, "WTF?!? I just shoot him then". And it was at that moment that I questioned what the move was really good for.
And Manipulate
sometimes felt artificial. Like just going up and cold-reading somebody and just knowing innately how to manipulate them or just being so charismatic that they just blindly follow whatever you wanted them to do regardless of how ridiculous it is (which would be a good custom or playbook move).
I felt like the player should have to have some leverage already in order to manipulate them. Which meant they had to talk to them and Read them or just already know what it is that can get them to do what you want them to do. But then I wondered what Manipulate was for because if they have leverage they don't really need to manipulate them, because a player can always choose to "not keep their promise". So really all I needed was a move that let the player find out what they needed to find out and the manipulation takes care of itself. And I went in circles.
That's what the real crux of this question is: can you escalate your demand after a refusal? If so, is it just the same Move again?
I think that the player in this scenario jumped the gun and now he has to deal with real consequences, maybe he should've Drawn him Out first or reinforced his position first. But also I think that +1 is awesome for
now Drawing him Out at the point of your sword and getting the lord to say what it is he actually wants from you.
Like what Aaron Friesen said. You now know where the lord stands, he doesn't respect the sworn oath he made. Do something about it! (By Drawing him Out). Or get other lords to back you because they don't like that the lord is backing out of an oath (there's an adventure). Now that the situation has changed and you have some other lords backing your claim, I could see rolling for Claiming Your Right again. Or the MC can just decide that the lord isn't going to mouth off now, so he joins with you, but will probably backstab you the first chance he gets. And that's hot.
To tie it back in with what I said above: I actually prefer the way the moves work together now and they feel like they hold water now and flow from the fiction better.
I also think the problem is that Claim Your Right makes it sound like you can just claim whatever you want and on a successful roll you get it (like Manipulate does in AW). That would suck and make me cry.