So after playing a wide variety of 1-shot con games of Monsterhearts, a group of us who play the most in UK cons decided to try some mini-campaigns. We have several multiday residential RPG conventions which last from 3-5 days, so a minicampaign of 3-4 sessions is easily doable.
Organisationally we’ve hand-picked players , trying for an even mix of male and female players and found that 5 players + 1 GM seems to be about right for logistics and player interactions and spot light time.
The advantage of these games has been in allowing the characters time to really develop and be teenagers and not just super-intense monsters the whole time. Its allowed group tropes, sayings, quotes and shared understandings to spontaneously develop and be referred back to. And its felt like a different game of MH – Sex moves tend to come a bit later, once proper relationships and pairings have formed, there isnt a rush to Darkest self either, and in a 4 session game, the appearance of Growing Up Moves can again change the dynamic as the teens mature and start apologising for earlier selfishness/cruelty. It makes it a fuller and richer game.
The issue of course is how such linked games fit with convention structures- there can be issues getting a venue, or being allowed to sign up the same group for all 4 games if the con insists on public sign ups.
Anyway, it does make for a more intense and interesting experience and I’d recommend it for people who don’t have a home campaign or are fed up of convention one-shots.