autofire vs. spray in 2.5

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autofire vs. spray in 2.5
« on: January 31, 2014, 02:51:21 PM »
I'm keen to give 2.5 a go! I have been playing Dungeon World with a regular group for a year now, and TR seems like a hack that will be right up my players' alley. I have a few questions before I give Outpost Epsilon a shot, though.

I have been doing the math, as is my wont with new random dice mechanics. - I added The Regiment VOF attack option at the bottom of the of the User-contributable roll list.

First column is outcome: stress + 10*wounds + 100*criticals. Second column is percentage chance for that outcome. Third column is cumulative chance, i.e. there's a 31.25% chance you do one or fewer wounds with 4d direct fire.
Code: [Select]
4   6.250   6.250
13 25.000 31.250
22 37.500 68.750
31 25.000 93.750
40   6.250 100.000

3   3.704   3.704
12 16.667 20.370
21 25.000 45.370
30 12.500 57.870
102   5.556 63.426
111 16.667 80.093
120 12.500 92.593
201   2.778 95.370
210   4.167 99.537
300   0.463 100.000
Against a 0 grit 2 box target, 4d DIRECT: 0% chance of target survival; 3d FOCUSED: 3.704% chance of target survival
Against a 1 grit 4 box elite target, 4d DIRECT: 93.75% chance of target survival; 3d FOCUSED: 57.87% chance of target survival

Code: [Select]
0   0.077   0.077
1   0.926   1.003
2   4.167   5.170
3   8.333 13.503
4   6.250 19.753
10   0.617 20.370
11   5.556 25.926
12 16.667 42.593
13 16.667 59.259
20   1.852 61.111
21 11.111 72.222
22 16.667 88.889
30   2.469 91.358
31   7.407 98.765
40   1.235 100.000

3 12.500 12.500
12 37.500 50.000
21 37.500 87.500
30 12.500 100.000
Against a 4 man fireteam, 4d SCATTERED: 1.235% chance of eliminating the fireteam, 19.753% chance of no casualties; 3d DIRECT: 0% chance of eliminating the fireteam, 12.5% chance of no casualities

Q1. I had just about wrapped my head around Soldier vs Group when I realized area or spray: two-targets were, I think, exceptions to that rule as they imply the attack is not resolved by treating the group as a single unit. Do you use Soldier vs Group much in fireteam vs fireteam engagements, or do you reserve it for larger numbers of combatants? Does anyone have any experience with larger numbers of combatants and PCs who want to apply area or two-targets?

Q2. When PCs trigger area or two-targets, do you roll attack multiple times? Multiple attack rolls seem given in the definition of messy considering a change of VOF is part of the tag, so I'm thinking the same applies to area?
« Last Edit: January 31, 2014, 02:55:38 PM by Dwindlehop »