Having thought about it, maybe I'll just not worry about it :-)
Here's my monster, any opinions?
Mind-Eater (Kai’Jedlek)
Type: Devourer/Breeder
Out of Host
Description: A fat squishy blob about 6 inches long, with sharp claws and teeth
• Devours brain to control host (see Custom Moves below)
• Scuttles short distances quickly
• Leap up to 15ft in any direction (including into the air)
• Can remain dormant indefinitely.
Attacks: Bite/Scratch: 0-harm hand
Armour: 2-Armour from being a difficult target to hit
Harm Capacity: 4-Harm
Weakness: Attempting to devour a host with extreme levels of caffeine in the bloodstream will temporarily stun the monster – it falls off and remains still for about a minute. Armour is temporarily reduced to zero.
Custom Moves:
• Devour Brain: Latches onto the back of the neck and burrows into the host’s brain through a small puncture wound, effectively killing them and taking control of the body.
In Host
Description: To a casual observer, the host will appear unchanged. More careful observation will reveal a small wound at the back of the neck, slightly clumsy movements and possibly slurred speech
• Remain in host for around 24 hours (between 12-36 hours depending on body’s condition)
• Full physical control of host (with reduced fine motor control)
• Access to memories of host
• Exceptional physical strength
• Ignores pain
• Reproduce single offspring in current host’s abdomen approximately every 3 days
Attacks :
• Punch: 2-harm hand
• Improvised weapon: 3-harm hand
Armour: 1-Armour from being insensitive to pain
Harm Capacity: 8-Harm
Weakness: If the host dies in the first hour, the Mind-Eater has not matured enough to escape and will also die
Custom Moves:
• Escape Host: Bursts out of the back of the neck and reverts to “out of host†stage. (must have been embedded in host for at least 1 hour)
(note: edited slightly, I missed a few things)