When I asked my players what kind of Apocalypse World, they said they live underground to avoid the mutants and contaminated fog out on the surface. Mostly, the fog and the mutants will be dangerous because of how they affect the other people in the hardhold (as Affliction threats), but I do want the characters to eventually encounter the mutants and the fog directly. So, here are my custom moves for the mutants and the fog.
The caves beneath the hardhold are a Landscape (Breeding Pit). Their impulse is to disgorge something (mutants). The fog outside the hardhold is a Landscape (Maze). It's impulse is to trap, and frustrate passage. To do this, it will often present a guardian (mutant).
Most true mutants are Brutes (Hunting Pack). Their impulse is to victimize anyone vulnerable, and their favorite move is to burst out in uncoordinated, undirected violence. Mox is a Grotesque (Mutant) instead. His impulse is to crave restitution and recompense, and he will make all kinds of tricky moves. There may be other grotesque mutants like Mox.
Most mutants have 1-armor, and do 2-harm.
Huge mutants have 2-armor, and do 3-harm (+S harm). A huge true mutant counts as a gang (3-harm small 2-armor). A gang of mutants that includes a huge mutant counts as one size larger than normal.[/b]
When you see a mutant for the first time in play, the MC will ask you if it is really your first time seeing a mutant. If it is, mark experience, and you are acting under fire for the rest of this interaction with the mutant (or mutants).
When you read, seduce, or manipulate a mutant, roll+weird, instead of +sharp or +hot.
When you suffer harm from a mutant, do the harm move as usual. On a 10+, the MC can choose this instead of their usual choices:
-You are bitten and infected. Mark one segment of your mutation clock (If you don't already have a mutation clock, start one, and mark it to 3:00).
If you have sex with a mutant, or eat their flesh, mark one segment of your mutation clock (If you don't already have a mutation clock, start one, and mark it to 3:00).
The Fog
When you act in the fog, roll+sharp.
On a 10+ you do it.
On a 7-9, your vision is impaired. The MC can offer you a worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice.
On a miss, you are blind. The MC can make any hard and direct move, such as put you in a spot, inflict harm, separate you, take your stuff, etc.
When a PC is exposed to the fog without a mask, roll+weird.
On a 10+, you are dizzy and nauseous, you cough up a little blood, but you recover.
On a 7-9, choose 1:
-You crave human flesh. The MC holds 1, and can spend their hold to make you eat human flesh. If you do, mark experience. If you don't, you're acting under fire.
-You are hallucinating. The MC holds 1, and can spend their hold to make you hallucinate. If you react to the hallucination, mark experience. If you don't, you're acting under fire.
-You are contagious. The MC holds 1, and can spend their hold to pass your contagion to anyone you touch, as though they were exposed to the fog.
-You have persistent chronic pain. Take -1 forward until you either get some meds, or eat human flesh.
-You develop a physical mutation, which is slight and easily concealable, for now. Mark one segment of your mutation clock (If you don't already have a mutation clock, start one, and mark it to 3:00).
On a miss, choose one anyway, and mark one segment of your mutation clock (If you don't already have a mutation clock, start one, and mark it to 3:00).
If an NPC is exposed to the fog, infected by a mutant or if Doc Boo opens their brains to the psychic maelstrom, the MC chooses any or all:
They visibly transform into a true mutant (change threat type to Brute or Grotesque)
They secretly develop a hidden mutation (change threat type to Affliction or Grotesque)
They aggressively pursue their threat impulse. Make a hard and direct move on their behalf.
Mutation Clock:
Choose one: Lumpy, veiny, discolored, peeling, scaly, oozing.
3:00 Small patch of skin, easily concealable.
6:00 Patch of skin, easily concealable.
9:00 Spreading patch of skin, odd number of toes, concealable with effort.
10:00 Visibly mutated, odd number of fingers, roll+hot to conceal. MC holds 1.
11:00 Visibly mutated, odd number of eyes. Not concealable. MC holds 2.
12:00 You are a true mutant.
The MC can spend their hold to make you eat human flesh or hallucinate (if you do it, mark experience, if you don't, you're acting under fire), or infect someone by touch. At 10:00 and later, if you have sex with, or bite another character, they are exposed to the fog. The Angel can heal mutation harm as regular harm, and can restore a true mutant as reviving a someone from death.
And then there is the fighting pit in the hardhold.
Fighting Pit
When you enter the fighting pit, roll+hot.
On a 10+, choose 3:
On a 7-9, choose 1:
-Someone in the crowd throws you a weapon (2-harm hand).
-Someone in the crowd distracts your opponent, take +1 forward.
-Someone in the crowd bets on you. If you win, they will give you 1-barter. If you lose, they will demand 1-barter.
-Someone in the crowd (you choose who) is impressed or frightened. Take +1 forward with them when you come out of the pit.
-If you win, you are absolved of a crime or debt.
-You will not be punished for losing.
“Someone†means a named NPC.
If you fight in the fighting pit, and lose, or if you use a gun in the fighting pit, choose one: