The Doll (playbook)

  • 1 Replies
The Doll (playbook)
« on: May 02, 2013, 11:47:04 PM »
Ok. This is my last one for some time. Before anybody mention it, the real advantage and balance of the playbook come from the improvements.  You have Two moves that change the use of stats in game and can rise all the stats in +1 plus get a move from another playbook which can put another +2 or even a +3 on the character sheet.( Depending of which set of stats you choose when was created and the new move you add).   
With Deep throat move use Weird because of the effect that have. All characters in Apocalypse World have some connection with the psychic maelstrom, and kind of that comes direct it from a character Weird, (even that there is some moves in other playbooks that change that), I wanted to give The Doll something different from the other moves, Weird per se, but coherent to the world. Some freaky defense mechanism beside her/his Look. 
Hope you like and tell me what you think about it.

The Doll

The world is fuck up. Probably always was, there is a reason why what you do is call “The oldest profession in the world”.  Yeah. Shure, there’s other out there that do the same that you, but nobody do it as you does it. You are the Only Doll.  Skinners give the world beauty, the Touchstone bring back the original evil that stay in the box and sell it as something “good”, you give something more basic, more need it, more… Real. You give Pleasure, Understanding, and Love… For a price of course. After all, Nothing is more expensive that what is for free, and you are far, far away of being “someone gift”, an object; you know what you worth and the price isn’t cheap.

Creating The Doll

Madam; Babe, Honey, Persephonee; Amber, Stallion, Babylon, Magdalena, Queco, Ralphie, Sunshine, Princess, Hope, Dusk, Charlotte, Dolly. 

Cool+1 Hard-1 Hot+2 Sharp-1 Weird+1
Cool-1 Hard+1 Hot+2 Sharp+1 Weird-1
Cool-1 Hard+1 Hot+2 Sharp-1 Weird+1
Cool+1 Hard-1 Hot+2 Sharp+1 Weird-1

You get all the basic moves plus P.I.M.P. and The client is always wrong.

Everyone introduces their characters by name, look and outlook. Take your turn. List the other characters’ names.

Go around again for Hx. On your turn, choose 1, 2 or 3:
• One of them once faced down dedicated violence to get you out of a problem with some client. Tell that player Hx+2.
• One of them is an old client of you. Tell that player Hx+1.
• One of them is in love with you. Tell that player Hx-1.
• Tell everyone else Hx=0.
On the others’ turns:
• For everyone, whatever number they tell you, give it -1 or +1 and write it next to the character’s name. Your choice for each.
At the end, find the character with the highest Hx on your sheet. Ask that player which of your stats is most interesting, and highlight it. The MC will have you highlight a second stat too.

Man, Woman, Ambiguous, Transgressing,

Tuxedo wear, old bride dress, dandy wear, Luxury wear, formal wear, sophisticated wear, fetish wear, cocktail dress, lingerie, scavenged punk-rock wear.

Soft eyes, hungry eyes, wild eyes, worm eyes, tire eyes, deep eyes, smiling eyes, Hot-look eyes,

Sweet face, cute face, soft face, pale face, troubled face, honest face, beautiful face.

Stunning body, unnatural body, beautiful body, hot body, slim body, workout body, chubby body, 

Soft hands, strong hands, doll hands, steady hands.

Bald, dreadlocks, sophisticated hair, wild hair, short hair, flat hair, wacky hair, loose hair,

• 1 small weapon
• oddments worth 5-barter
• fashion suitable to your look.
 Small weapon (choose 1)
• silenced 9mm (2-harm close hi-tech)
• switch-blade or butterfly knife (2-harm hand valuable)
• hidden knives (2-harm hand infinite)
• scalpels (3-harm intimate hi-tech)
• stun gun (s-harm hand reload)
• .38 revolver (2-harm close reload loud)
• 9mm (2-harm close loud).

The Doll Special
 When you have sex with another character, considered like if you hit a 10+ on a Read a person moves. If is another PC, you gain Hx +1 with they, and you may choose to give they -1 to +1 with you. A person knows you as much as YOU want it to.
 Brainers cannot use their deep brain scan while having sex with you, but take +1-forward with you, and you can give them a 1-hold to spend 1-for-1 at any time.   

__ get +1Hot (max Hot+3)
__ get +1Cool (max Cool+2)
__ get +1Hard (max Hard+2)
__ get +1Sharp (max Sharp+2)
__ get +1Weird (max Weird+2)
__ get a new The Doll move
__ get a new The Doll move
__ get a move from another playbook
__ get a move from another playbook
__ get a gang (detail) and pack alpha or Moonlight (your choice).

The Doll moves
O The client is always wrong:
When you go aggro roll + Hot instead of roll + Hard.

O P.I.M.P.:  You know your way with people, how to seduce, manipulated and gain information from they. Roll + Hot instead of roll + Sharp when you read a person.

O Deep throat: You can laugh, sing or scream really, Really LOUD. So loud you damage people.
Roll + Weird. On a 10+ 3-s harm or nharm (your choice) ap area loud reload.
                       On a 7-9 1-s harm or nharm (your choice) ap area loud reload.
Goes off like a reusable grenade. Hits everyone but you.
On a miss You become powerless for a scene. You lose access to all of your character moves. You can still make basic moves.

O ¡Oh! Darling: when you are the target of someone's aggressive or violent behavior, roll + Hot. On a 10+, they may not harm, punish, or humiliate you. On a 7-9, they may choose 1:
• inflict no more than 1-harm
• confiscate one of your belongings
• humiliate you, giving you -1forward with them until you even the score
On a miss, they're not falling for it. This move is useless to you while you are engaged in aggressive or violent behavior of your own.

O Runaway: You know your way out of troubles. Name your escape route and roll + Hot. On a 10+ you’re gone. On a 7–9, you can go or stay, but if you go it costs you: leave something behind, or take something with you, the MC will tell you what. On a miss, you’re caught vulnerable, half in and half out.

Re: The Doll (playbook)
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2013, 04:39:42 AM »
In the last Improvement I mean __ get a gang (detail) and pack alpha or Leadership (your choice).
Instead of Moonlight. My mistake.