Chronicles of a Trollslayer (Near Future Campaign)

  • 8 Replies
Chronicles of a Trollslayer (Near Future Campaign)
« on: April 16, 2013, 01:04:59 AM »
So, I am working on a campaign that I plan on running real soon. I plan on running a bunch of mini adventures that will string together into a overarching adventure that will eventually lead me into using the Kingmaker adventure path from Paizo. Anyway, I am going to list a few problems I am running into one at a time so people and I do not get confused.

Problem #1: I am using a setting where most of the Gods are dead except four and the ones that are alive, well they really do not care about mortals. So, I am not allowing Paladins but I want to allow Clerics, though they are going to have to be "Elemental Clerics" that get their powers from primal elements. I am wondering if there are any changes to the class I need to make or do I just chalk it up to fluff changes and leave it at that?

Re: Chronicles of a Trollslayer (Near Future Campaign)
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2013, 03:13:04 AM »
I think you'll have to rewrite the Deity move, in particular the domains. You can make two per element, or even three, ala Exalted (Ascendant, resplendent and descendant). That's a total of 12 choices for the player.
the fire that warms, the Fire that guides, the fire that burns
The Fount of Life, the Freezing cold, the All - consuming Abyss
From the I-read-a-book-about-runes-once wisdom of Uzio Parp

The thing talker move of the druid (element talker) might be an interesting substitute for Divine guidance.
In general, the Druid - Cleric mix/multiclass is worth talking about with the player.



  • 777
Re: Chronicles of a Trollslayer (Near Future Campaign)
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2013, 09:25:01 PM »
Great Idea!
First you need to get your players on board with your 'concept' since the answers they give to your provocative answers will shape the setting far more than your prep will.
If they are down with elemental clerics, cool! But then, does anyone want to play a cleric? If no, then all your ideas are just wonderful colour for the setting, if someone does want to play a cleric, Uzio gives great advice. I think a cleric / druid hybrid seems pretty on the money.

Re: Chronicles of a Trollslayer (Near Future Campaign)
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2013, 12:32:43 AM »
Thanks for the insights. I think it would be cool to let the player kind of decide what element he "gains his power" from and let him make the descriptors. ]

I also like the idea of using the Druid move instead of divine guidance.

What do you think of the free from Deity Option?

Re: Chronicles of a Trollslayer (Near Future Campaign)
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2013, 08:44:58 AM »
I'm so sorry! I can't see my own previous post!
I didn't delete it, that's for sure.
Grandma always told me not to misuse the Runes.
OR did I violate any board rule?

Re: Chronicles of a Trollslayer (Near Future Campaign)
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2013, 10:28:35 PM »
No, I could not see at first either without replying. I think it was a glitch I think. I will get problem #2 up here shortly.

Re: Chronicles of a Trollslayer (Near Future Campaign)
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2013, 04:19:30 AM »
So, I need help creating these races and class moves for each one?

Beastmen (Think all kinds of things like cat people, rat people, etc)

Wise Beasts (Normal animals that gain intelligence)


Mushroom Trolls (Living Mushroom people)

Snowmen (Ghosts that create bodies out of ice, snow, water, etc)

Slimes (Like slimes)




  • 777
Re: Chronicles of a Trollslayer (Near Future Campaign)
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2013, 07:05:18 AM »
What? Races for PC's? woah, that's cool. I'd just use Jonathan's advice from Dark heart of the dreamer...
Replacing the options & moves for races
When you create a new adventurer, decide on your species, ethnicity, and cultural heritage, choosing anything or any combination of things that sounds interesting to you and the other players.
For example, I might play a marsh-dwarf witch who has some spiderlord ancestry.
Then, pick 2-3 heritage moves to start with, selecting from the “monster moves” that best match your heritage. No matter where or whom you come from, in someone’s eyes, you and your family are monsters.
I pick the Dwarven Warrior move “Drive them back,” the Spiderlord move “Enmesh in webbing,” and invent a move based on the character’s training in wilderness survival, “Scavenge for food and medicinal plants.”
At the beginning of a session or when you invoke your rights of blood and tradition (however you do that), roll+Wis. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 2. On a miss, you still hold 1. Spend this hold 1-for-1 during play to make a heritage move, just like that.

Re: Chronicles of a Trollslayer (Near Future Campaign)
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2013, 01:21:24 AM »
Ya, I am looking for like what races would fit what classes and I could think up a class move for each.

Just really knew and havent really figured everything out yet.