Apocalypse World on the Advent Book Blog

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Apocalypse World on the Advent Book Blog
« on: December 07, 2010, 03:52:56 PM »
So, there's this website called the Advent Book Blog and every December writers and book industry people give brief recommendations about books that they think people should buy and have otherwise flown under the radar in the previous year. Most of the recommendations tend to be modern literature, but it can be just about anything.

This year, I recommended Apocalypse World:


AW was the absolute standout book I saw during 2010, and considering I worked in a bookstore, that's saying something. Just thought I'd give you a heads-up. Thanks for the awesome game.


P.S. I'm in Skinnyghost's game. He's the one that introduced me to it, so I'll thank him too: thanks for the awful, terrifying times, dude.