Invent new Spells

  • 8 Replies
Invent new Spells
« on: March 26, 2013, 06:20:39 AM »
Hi, what if I want to Lightning Bolt someone, 'cause I hate Fireballs?
Or do Evan's Spiked Tentacles of Forceful Intrusiontm?
I mean, spells not covered by Ritual Magick (which IS useful even in combat, sometimes).
Is it more fun/balanced to change the color of a spell, or to tweak an existing one and add it to the spell book? Or SWAP it?
Say, i find the super - uber - pure - crystal of the tempest (magic item) and it teaches me the Lightning Bolt spell, which is like a fireball, but add stunned on a 10+ AND may bounce back on a 7-9 (or miss).
Couldn't find a topic on the forum; it seems very strange. Am I the only one?
I swear, I DON'T want to do a Magic Ciclopaedia, with 1.5k spells.



  • 549
Re: Invent new Spells
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2013, 12:30:03 PM »
Making up new spells is an awesome idea!

Most spells don't have different effects on 7-9 vs. 10, so I'd think of lightning bolt as just a different effect than fireball. Stunning them seems likely, and there's always the classic area of effect vs. single target difference.

Re: Invent new Spells
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2013, 01:38:57 PM »
and, you can always create and learn custom spells through ritual.
Oh, the things we tell ourselves to feel better about the long, dark nights.

Re: Invent new Spells
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2013, 03:31:13 PM »
Please can you explain "create and learn custom spells through ritual?"
How is it done?



  • 549
Re: Invent new Spells
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2013, 05:30:58 PM »
Wizard: I'm going to use this place of power to craft a new spell.

GM: Okay, tell me about the spell

Wizard: Well, it's a bolt of lightning from my fingertips that strikes the creature it hits dead and can never miss.

GM: Hmm, okay, well the best you can manage is a lesser version: a 5th level spell that does damage like a fireball to one creature and stuns them momentarily. Drawing on the place of power gives you the raw energy, but you'll need a creature of electricity to aid you in the research. An elemental will be best, but even a few lightning-struck villagers will be fine.



  • 18
Re: Invent new Spells
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2013, 04:23:10 AM »
+++Souldrain+++ Lvl 5
Nasty shadowmagic.

You can choose to either curse the target or do damage straight away. When your target dies, either if it was cursed first or dies from the damage from Souldrain, gain one Soul. Spend a Soul to heal yourself 1d4+1 or add 1d4 damage to your next Souldrain spell. Souldrain does 2d6 damage when used as a damagespell. As a curse, it lasts until end of combat and adds +2 to damage rolls against the cursed target.

It can be described as all the shadows around the target suddenly move into the target, then rapidly forms a bridge between the target and caster before returning to "normal". Shadowmages can also stir something that lives in the shadows with careless use of the dark arts.

Re: Invent new Spells
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2013, 04:47:06 AM »
And so, when I finish the ritual, I've got a new spell added to my book. It's not exactly what I wanted, but such is the way of mageshido. Right?

Thanks a lot!



  • 777
Re: Invent new Spells
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2013, 02:44:33 AM »
GM: Hmm, okay, well the best you can manage is a lesser version: a 5th level spell that does damage like a fireball to one creature and stuns them momentarily. Drawing on the place of power gives you the raw energy, but you'll need a creature of electricity to aid you in the research. An elemental will be best, but even a few lightning-struck villagers will be fine.

Heh. And sure as sage is used as a smudgestick, the nearby village full of hero-loving villagers just happens to be full of potential candidates to 'aid' in the research... It also happens to be the hometown of the Fighter of the adventuring band who just so happens to  think that the Wizard is weak.

In addition, the cleric knows a thing or two about electrical elementals, worshipping the god of thunder and lightening after all. I wonder how she would feel if you asked her to petition her god to manifest an elemental to 'aid' in your research?

Re: Invent new Spells
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2013, 08:41:01 AM »
Could it actually be "electrical elemental" of varying duration?