Single player and Hx

  • 3 Replies
Single player and Hx
« on: December 03, 2010, 06:57:15 PM »
We're running a single player PbP game (one player, two characters), or we're just starting it, and I'm sure I saw a thread with some advice on what to do with Hx with such a setup. I can't find it, though.

Can someone point it at me, if you know how to find it?



  • 342
Re: Single player and Hx
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2010, 07:51:17 PM »
Must have missed that, but I'd try the custom move on 277:

When you read a person in a charged interaction, roll+sharp.
On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7–9, hold 1. While you’re interacting
with them, spend your hold to ask their player questions, 1 for 1:
•  is your character telling the truth?
•  what’s your character really feeling?
•  what does your character intend to do?
•  what does your character wish I’d do?
•  how could I get your character to __?
If you’re reading an NPC, on a 10+, in addition to your hold, you
•  give yourself Hx=0 with them, if you have no Hx with them
•  add +1 to your Hx with them, if you do have one (max Hx+3)
So now PCs have Hx with NPCs. Better pass out the notepaper!
A player of mine playing a gunlugger - "So now that I took infinite knives, I'm setting up a knife store." Me - "....what?" Him - "Yeah, I figure with no overhead, I'm gonna make a pretty nice profit." Me - "......"



  • 285
Re: Single player and Hx
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2010, 08:05:51 PM »
Tupacalypse World

Re: Single player and Hx
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2010, 07:19:08 AM »
Yes, that's it, thanks! Searched with every phrase I could think of, but missed "1:1"!