What are the playbook names in the Italian game, anywho?
Hi evilseanbot.
Here the Italian names, for your curiosity:
- The Angel -> L'angelo (plain translation, easy one)
- The Battlebabe -> Lo schianto (this is something like "knockout, smasher, looker" and I feel this word more suitable for the skinner)
- The Brainer -> Lo strizzacervelli (something like "headshrinker, shrink")
- The Chopper -> Il chopper
- The Driver -> Il pilota ("pilot", nicer word in italy than "guidatore", "conducente" or others)
- The Gunlugger -> L'arsenale (something like arsenal, armoury)
- The Hard Holder -> Il fortificatore (something like "the man that fortify")
- The Hocus -> Il misticatore (something like the mystic-man, mystifier)
- The Operator -> L'operatore (plain translation, easy one)
- The Savvyhead -> La sapientesta (this is quite nice and entertaining, almost the same meaning of the original one)
- The Skinner -> Il conciatore (like "leather worker", tanner; maybe this one is the least fitting imho; i'd use "schianto" for this one, and maybe a more "warlike" word for the battlebabe translation).
However, as I said before, those names aren't an important matter to me, now.