Alright, so the players are deep in a dungeon (in this case, they were trying to retrieve a stolen item). They've taken some damage, fought some goblins and an otyugh, and they get a moment to breath. It's not enough time for a real rest, just a few seconds to catch their breaths.
The cleric decides to start healing, after all, it's what a cleric does... and... oh look, 7-9. He's already taken a -1 and he's not happy to go down further. He CAN'T choose to lose the spell, because it is utterly vital - he knows that he has three other people to heal AND there's a good chance this first person will need to have the spell cast again. So he has to choose the Draw Unwanted Attention/Whatever the Wording Is.
Now, I, as the GM, feel stuck. The whole point of giving them a few minutes of rest is so that the game doesn't descend into a mad slapstick madness. I want them to get a break, even if it's just a short dramatic pause for the players and their characters to unwind between high energy scenes... but that looks like it's gone out the window now. The games very rules have decided that our pacing was going too slow and now I have to introduce SOMETHING ELSE into the already madcap, slapdash comedy of errors the dice have generated up until this point...
What do you all do in these sorts of situations?