You know what are some great moves?

  • 4 Replies
You know what are some great moves?
« on: December 10, 2012, 02:45:59 PM »
The Wizard's Ritual and the Cleric's Divine Guidance

Because they're wide open. I find they let me not pull my punches, because against something big and out of control the Wizard can cook up a ritual or the Cleric can get a "boon" that allows the PCs to pull a win out of their hat.

It's because they're open, but not without their costs and challenges.

So, yay.

Re: You know what are some great moves?
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2012, 04:09:56 PM »
Gnome7 has a set of alternate playbooks that try to embrace that idea further, in the thread here: he offers a preview of the mage, seems like something you would enjoy.
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Re: You know what are some great moves?
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2012, 10:29:53 PM »
Me, I love Defy Danger. Because you can couch so many things as dangers.

An example - a charming but penniless ranger in my game tried to get a room at an inn free by flirting with the portly widow that ran the place. I ruled that this was Defying Danger, the danger being that she would take offense at his attempted freeloading.

Re: You know what are some great moves?
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2012, 02:22:09 AM »
Me, I love Defy Danger. Because you can couch so many things as dangers.

An example - a charming but penniless ranger in my game tried to get a room at an inn free by flirting with the portly widow that ran the place. I ruled that this was Defying Danger, the danger being that she would take offense at his attempted freeloading.
Couldn't the danger also have been the portly widow wanting more than the Ranger was willing to offer? You know, assuming the flattery was sincere and that he really was attracted to her. Then that'd lead to a Take Watch Move later that night, with the portly widow potentially "getting the drop" on the Ranger as he slept. Heh.
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Re: You know what are some great moves?
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2012, 03:20:48 AM »
Me, I love Defy Danger. Because you can couch so many things as dangers.

An example - a charming but penniless ranger in my game tried to get a room at an inn free by flirting with the portly widow that ran the place. I ruled that this was Defying Danger, the danger being that she would take offense at his attempted freeloading.
Couldn't the danger also have been the portly widow wanting more than the Ranger was willing to offer? You know, assuming the flattery was sincere and that he really was attracted to her. Then that'd lead to a Take Watch Move later that night, with the portly widow potentially "getting the drop" on the Ranger as he slept. Heh.

As he got a 7-9, that's exactly what would have happened had he continued applying the charm. He decided that hunting down a bear would be a preferable way of passing the time. *grin*