G'day Gang,
One of my on again-off again players wanted a playbook that wasn't really out there. An android. A droid. A replicant. A Synthetic.
This is my take on it. I wanted it to be slightly alien and off putting, outside the 'normal' setting of AW, somewhat like Quarantine. I also wanted an inbuilt 'timebomb' as self-awareness overtook programming, and the inevitable slave/master, be free from your design paradigm.
Any and all advice or critque are most welcome, and my PDF-fu is crap, so if someone wants to take the challenge and design a professional looking playbook out of it, be my guest!
The Synthetic
Sartre used a dialectic in Being and Nothingness, when describing how the world is altered at the appearance of another person, how the world now appears to orient itself around this other person. But is a Synthetic person human? What is Human? I'll Be Back, Therefore I Am. Why are you here?
Creating a Synthetic
To create your Synthetic, develop: name, look, stats, moves, A.I. gear, and Hx.
Ash, Andy, Bot, C3-P0, Cherry, Roy, Zhora, Pris Leon, Deckard, Bishop, Borg, Terminator, Replicant, Skin-Job, Cylon, ED-209, Android, Nexus, Toaster, Data, Murphy, T-800
Man, woman, androgynous, machine, droid
Metal Skin, Real Skin, plastic skin, no-skin, high-tech skin
Glowing eyes, vacant eyes, throbbing eyes, piercing eyes
Metal face, plastic face, skull face, beautiful face, damaged face, no face
Metal Body, framework body, plastic body, real body, strong body, sexy body, functional body, high-tech body
The Synthetic begins as an emotionless machine with an anthropomorphic metal, carbon fibre or plastic endoskeleton, complete with an internal power battery and A.I. CPU ‘Brain’.
You will need to recharge from a power source for a few hours each day and ‘shutdown’.
More advanced models develop an external layer of living tissue so that they resemble a human being. The most advanced models are genetically engineered creatures composed entirely of organic substance.
A basic Model has its Stat Block with all values @ 0.
Upgrades can modify Stats.
You start with 5 upgrades, one of which must be a program. Choose from the options below and note changes to the Stats. You may install more through improvement.
-Built to Kill: +1 Hard, + 1 Cool, +1 Armour, -1 Weird -1 Sentience
-Built to Fuck: +1 Hot, +1 Sharp, +1 Weird, -1 Hard, -1 Sentience
-Built to Work: +2 Hard, +1 Cool, -1 Hot, -1 Sentience
-Built to Talk: +1 Sharp, +1 Cool, +1 Hot, -2 Hard
-Built to Design: +1 Sharp, +1 Cool, -1 Hot or -1 Hard
-Encoded -1 Sentience
-Specialized +1 to Hot, Sharp, Hard or Cool
-Bulletproof Endo Skeleton +1 Armour
-Powerful Servos – Increased Strength +1 Harm in melee
-Strong A.I. +1 Sentience
-Memory Implants +1 Sentience, +1 Weird
-External Layer of Living Tissue +1 Sentience
-Genetically Engineered +1 Sentience. You Eat, Drink, Shit & Bleed.
-Everlasting Power Unit – no need to recharge
Programming effects your purpose, your reason for being. It allows you to access basic and specialised moves, otherwise you are acting against your programming.
Each Basic Program Package costs 1 Upgrade.
Programmed for War, Go Aggro, Seize by Force, Act Under Fire
Programmed for Pleasure, Seduce or Manipulate, Read a Person, Read a Sitch,
Programmed for Technical Specialty, Act Under Fire, Read a Sitch, Open Your (positronic) Brain
Programmed for Diplomacy. Read a Sitch, Read a Person, Seduce or Manipulate, Open your (positronic) Brain
Additional Basic Programs (moves) cost 1 Upgrade each
Prime Directive
This is your purpose, your reason for being, your immediate goal. You don’t choose it, one of the other players does as detailed in Hx. Tell them to choose one:
•You are to Terminate one of the other Characters.
•You are to Protect & Hide one of the other Characters.
•You are to Serve & Obey one of the other Characters.
•You are to Build or Create Something.
•You are to Collect or Catalogue Something.
•You are to Destroy or Dispose of Something.
•You are to serve the Hardhold, protect the innocent and uphold the law
You may also have a hidden directive that you do not know about.
If you fufill your Prime Directive and are at a loss, Ghost in the Machine may give you some guidance.
Why are you here? Sentience is a Stat, and encompasses the Synthetic’s association with such human traits as consciousness, sapience, self-actualization and awareness. It also melds the concept of Artificial Intelligence: It’s what makes you tick. Like other Stats, it ranges from -3-+3. But begins at 0.
The basic Synthetic isn’t empathetic or ‘human’ in character, and as their Sentience increases, become emotionally unstable. They may have a built-in lifespan to prevent them from developing their own ‘emotional responses.’ This is especially necessary for models whose intellectual capacity (Sentience +2 - +3) at least matches those of their genetic / robotic designers.
Basic Moves
You get these two moves:
Hasta La Vista Baby! Your Terminal Lifespan rears its inevitable head. At the start of each session roll +Sentience:
On a 12+ these are your end times. You know the truth of your existence. Ask the MC any questions about your design, maker, programming, purpose or directives. Do you act with a purpose?
+1 Ongoing to any move and you can choose the result (including 12+) of any available move once during the session. If you don’t construe your shutdown (retirement) by the end of the session, the MC will.
On a 10-11 You can feel the impending finality. Hold 2. Ask the MC a question or two about either your purpose, programming, hidden directive or maker and they will answer with detail. If you act on the answers, spend a Hold for +1 to the move, or to nullify acting against your programming. Mark Experience.
On a 7-9 You Hold 1. Spend it to nullify acting against your programming.
On a Miss you are none the wiser about your Synthetic Story.
When you act in synch with your programming, you are acting With a Purpose, which covers all your programmed basic and specialist moves. If you are also acting in accordance with your Prime Directive, you are Focused and carry +1 Forward.
Conversely, when you attempt a basic move you don’t have access to, you are:
Acting against your programming Roll + Sentience:
10+ Do it! Roll for the move as written and mark experience
7-6 You Do It, But….Choose 1 prior to rolling for the move.
On a Miss you do it, but at what cost? all 3 take effect.
-You reboot – default systems check. You hesitate, a time critical incident occurs.
-Your burgeoning emotional instability causes an Internal Logic Conflict - this entitles the MC to give you a move-related ugly choice, worse outcome or hard bargain.
-You can’t manage the override without suffering 1 AP (self) harm in the process.
and choose one more:
More Human Than Human:
Some Synthetics were engineered to tolerate extreme environments. When you take Harm from an environmental stress, Roll+Hard: on a 10+, you ignore it, on 7-9 you take -1 Harm, and on a miss you take +1 Harm. Note that this does not work for attacks like gunshots, but may work for chemical or electrical attacks at the MC's discretion.
Fuck the Three Laws of Robotics:
In the final analysis, people are the problem. You dish out +1 Harm when fighting humans.
Ghost in the Machine You access your deep processing for guidance on the current situation.
Roll +weird to see what your circuits (the MC) directs you to do.
On a 10+ mark experience and take a +1 Forward if you do as instructed.
On a 7-9, take a +1 Forward if you do as instructed and act under fire if you don't.
On a miss, act against your programming if you don't follow your deep processing.
You get Not Much, unless your build requires you too:
Built to Kill:
•1 Ranged no-nonsense weapon (these can be inbuilt)
-magnum (3-harm close reload loud)
-smg (2-harm close area loud)
-hunting Rifle (2-harm far loud)
-sawed off (3-harm close reload messy)
•1 Close Combat Weapon (these can be inbuilt)
-police baton (2-harm hand messy)
-many knives (2-harm hand infinite)
-sword (3-harm hand messy)
-taser (s-harm hand)
•Armour worth +1Armour (you detail)
Built to Fuck:
•fashion suitable to your look, including at your option a piece worth 1 armour (you detail)
•oddments worth 1 barter
Built to Work:
•equipment needed for your work (you detail)
Built to Talk
•fashion suitable to your look
Built to Design
•specialised toolkit (you detail)
Everyone introduces their character by name, look, and outlook.
List the other character's names.
Go around again for Hx. On your turn:
- One of the characters is your Friend / Master. They know your programming – tell them. They Know your Purpose – Tell them. They know your Prime Directive – They tell you, as they helped you to understand your reason for being. Tell them Hx+3
Tell everyone else Hx -1 They are afraid, derisive or treat you like a toy.
On the others' turns, choose one or both:
- One of them is curious about you. Ignore what they tell you and write Hx+1.
- One of them is part of your Prime Directive. Add +1 to whatever number they tell you.
At the end, find the character with the highest Hx on your sheet. Ask that player which of your stats is most interesting and highlight it. The MC will have you highlight a second stat too. (Sentience can be highlighted)
Harm & Healing
Synthetics take harm just like regular folks, they just may feel it slightly differently. Roll the Harm move as normal.
Note that some Synthetics have actual armour, both inbuilt and external.
Angels can only heal Synthetics with the Living Tissue or Genetically Engineered Upgrades. Other Synthetics need to find a specialist NPC as determined in the rules.
Debilities occur as normal, Synthetics can also choose to take:
Memory Wipe – Lose one Program
Circuitry Collapse -1 Sentience
Synthetic Special
If another character imparts an upgrade, by design or arrangement, you mark +1Hx with them and hold 1. If they get into shit, either you or they can spend it and you are there with a purpose.
Synthetic Improvement
Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, and whenever you reset your Hx with someone, mark an experience circle. When you mark the 5th, Improve (Upgrade) and erase.
Each time you improve, choose one of the following. Check it off, you can't choose it again.
Other Programs may be available which replicate specialist moves from other playbooks. Each such programmed move costs one upgrade.
All Upgrades / Programs require some crap (tech) and knowhow (workshop) as pre-requisites to the purchase.
All Upgrades / Programs are:
You also need the services of a tech/savvyhead and their workshop - this will always cost you.
When they go into their workshop and dedicate themselves to your Upgrade / Program the MC will tell you “sure, no problem but….†and start with 1 condition. Some upgrades cost more than one condition which are connected with an ‘and’.
•Basic Program Packages cost +1 Condition
•Programs from other Playbooks +1-3 Conditions
•Ever lasting Power Unit +1 Condition
•Powerful Servos +1 Condition
•Bullet Proof Endo Skeleton +1 Conditions
•Basic Builds cost +2 Conditions
•Memory Implants cost +2 Conditions
•Strong A.I. / External Layer of Living Tissue cost +2 Conditions
•Genetically Engineered costs +3 Conditions
__install one Upgrade
__install one Upgrade
__install one Upgrade
__install one Upgrade
__install one Upgrade
__install a move (program)
__install a move (program)
__install a move (program)
__install a move (program)