My Savy's Pet

  • 7 Replies
My Savy's Pet
« on: November 27, 2012, 03:07:25 PM »

the Savyhead in the game we started two weeks ago used his "special gear" to get a Pet Bettle-Scorpion-Cockroach Mutant from the Skinner Playbook.

It's basically moving arround and could potentially be cover if he is fired on but what do i do with it? It's basically the size of a bigger dog but seems to be peacefull as long as the Savy supplies it with enough of his drugs.

What do i do now? It's Gear he has taken at char gen so i don't think it should be like a major threat. I have a threat about the mutant insects and stuff in the sever but the Beetle?

Now that i think about it, my Psychic Maelstorm is all about Family, Matriarchy and Pregnancies and Babies (basically the ALL-MOTHER), so maybe Bettle should lay eggs. Crazy mutant eggs.
It would keep the pet in play but make it a problem too and enforce the weird theme a bit.
Does this seem right? Any other ideas and best practises on how to deal with his crap? I am also threatening his drug farm with a weird red affliction so i don't know if i hit him too directly. I want to be a fan of his stuff but i HAVE to do something with this thing right?



  • 1293
Re: My Savy's Pet
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2012, 03:28:29 PM »
That's awesome!

Yeah, so you should write it up as a threat, but don't go nuts with it as a threat to the PCs in play, exactly right. What would it be, a perversion of birth maybe?

One way to think about a threat who happens to be a PC's ally is to consider that the threat thinks the PC is on its side, or part of it, right? So if this giant bug monster is a perversion of birth, it craves overthrow and chaos, so that it and its friend the savvyhead can thrive. Its moves, like attacking someone from behind, stealing something, ruining something - it places these at the PC's disposal. Or I should say, it does these when it feels that they're in the PC's interests, whether the PC wants it or not.

So, in play, just occasionally look at the world from this critter's point of view. What does it consider to be threatening to itself and its friend the savvyhead? What does it think should be ruined, for the savvyhead's benefit? What could it overthrow so that the savvyhead would get more to eat or get more sex or whatever it thinks the savvyhead wants more of? What can it do about it?


Re: My Savy's Pet
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2012, 03:32:01 PM »
That's awesome!

Yeah, so you should write it up as a threat, but don't go nuts with it as a threat to the PCs in play, exactly right. What would it be, a perversion of birth maybe?

One way to think about a threat who happens to be a PC's ally is to consider that the threat thinks the PC is on its side, or part of it, right? So if this giant bug monster is a perversion of birth, it craves overthrow and chaos, so that it and its friend the savvyhead can thrive. Its moves, like attacking someone from behind, stealing something, ruining something - it places these at the PC's disposal. Or I should say, it does these when it feels that they're in the PC's interests, whether the PC wants it or not.

So, in play, just occasionally look at the world from this critter's point of view. What does it consider to be threatening to itself and its friend the savvyhead? What does it think should be ruined, for the savvyhead's benefit? What could it overthrow so that the savvyhead would get more to eat or get more sex or whatever it thinks the savvyhead wants more of? What can it do about it?


I want to hug and kiss you right now. Perfect!

Just to be clear (since i am terrible with countdown clocks) what would it's clock look like?



  • 1293
Re: My Savy's Pet
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2012, 03:53:46 PM »
I'd wait to give it a countdown clock until you see what it's after, in play, I think.


Re: My Savy's Pet
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2012, 09:59:38 PM »
Just to be clear (since i am terrible with countdown clocks) what would it's clock look like?
I'm seconding your idea of having that lil' fella lay eggs, sooner or later.

Re: My Savy's Pet
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2012, 10:40:43 PM »
Is the Savvyhead lonely, in need of some companionship?

I imagine him coming home one day to find someone lying, paralyzed in the middle of his living room. His "pet" paralyzed this person and left them their for him to "breed" with.

Better yet, that someone is someone important.

Re: My Savy's Pet
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2012, 01:14:11 AM »
My Savy took the Faceless move Norman for his first advance to talk with his pet.
Now it's crystal clear what it wants. He wants the Savy to have sex and be happy, construct a hive-mind device (insect ideas+psychic maelstorm weirdness) and help to take care of his eggs. (bonus points if i can make an implikation that those eggs are acutally related to the Savy having had Sex).

The hive+mind thing makes sense because the pet is totally fucked up by the Maelstorm since it's also the Augury antena of the workshop....

I am thinking of letting the Beetle speak in a totally announciated accent, like an english gentleman just to turn up the weird...

Now i know what kind of front this is Mindfucker/Slaver :)

Re: My Savy's Pet
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2012, 03:56:19 PM »
Nice. Let us know how it turns out!