Quite interesting!
I wrote my bachelor in gender studies :)
Some peculiar ideas to have in mind when thinking about the genders;
*The One gender model
Everyone is more or less male, sort of like percentage of MAN. The less percentage of man you are, the more weak and different you are, both physically and mentally. Thus women, the lesser male, was easier subjected to the devil's machinations and was easily corrupted by demonic forces. This was the usual form of perceiving gender until about 1750. I'm simplifying this, just giving the core of it.
*Two gender model
With the advent of science, experiments, the unbanning of cutting open corpses, there started to be ideas that humans are divided into two genders. The genders became very important in biology, where all sorts of living things was divided by gender. All these differences are physical, you can see them with the eye, thus they had to be universally true.
But what about the soul or the mind? This had to be examined as well! Hysteria was a mental illness that more or less only women could have, to give an example.