Dangers, Impending Dooms, and Grim Portents

  • 3 Replies
Dangers, Impending Dooms, and Grim Portents
« on: November 21, 2012, 04:59:52 PM »
Could someone clarify something for me? The summary talks about impending dooms and grim portents in one way, but the body of the chapter seems to talk about them differently.

Specifically, the summary tells us first to choose an impending doom for each danger, and then to add a handful of grim portents for the overall front. The body of the chapter then discusses grim portents first, and then impending dooms (in reverse order from the summary), and talks about grim portents in terms of dangers rather than fronts, tying grim portents to impending dooms in a way that isn't clear to me (e.g., pg 250 reads, "When all of the grim portents of a danger come to pass, the impending doom sets in.")

Please clarify the relationship between grim portents, dangers, and impending dooms.


Re: Dangers, Impending Dooms, and Grim Portents
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2012, 07:16:24 PM »
Depending on how complex you want to be, your whole Front may or may not have an impending doom.  Like so;






Re: Dangers, Impending Dooms, and Grim Portents
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2012, 10:31:16 PM »
I see. In that case, grim portents could apply to either a danger or an overall front. The key relationship, then, is between grim portents and impending dooms. Grim portents can be, but don't have to be, sequential, and they are the pieces that fall into place to bring about the dooms.

Re: Dangers, Impending Dooms, and Grim Portents
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2012, 01:58:09 AM »
I see. In that case, grim portents could apply to either a danger or an overall front. The key relationship, then, is between grim portents and impending dooms. Grim portents can be, but don't have to be, sequential, and they are the pieces that fall into place to bring about the dooms.

Now you've got it!  That's exactly right.