Custom Move: Gone Forth

  • 8 Replies
Custom Move: Gone Forth
« on: November 08, 2010, 10:04:06 PM »
JC is an Operator, who took Fortunes and a convoy of followers to spread the word of The Dream.
After JC turns Hardholder, he gets concerned that his followers are turning rather creepy-cultish on him, and warping the tenants of The Dream.  So JC lays down the tenants, and tells them to go forth, in all directions, into Post-Apocalyptia in order to spread the message of The Dream.

On JC's character sheet, I erased Fortunes, and wrote Gone Forth.

Here it is.  Curious as to what other ppl think.

Gone Forth:

Your Followers have been cut loose, and sent into the Wasteland to spread the Dream.  In each direction they have gone, with a message, that man should try to do more good unto others than he does for himself. Other groups in the Wasteland have encountered your heralds, and have been thus affected.

When meeting a new group of people, be it a caravan, wanderers, slavers, a settlement, etc, Roll +(Cool/Weird/Something else?).

On a hit, they've had a positive encounter with your followers.  10-12, something inside of them has been touched by your words, spoken through your messengers.  They genuinely believe in the Dream.  Pick 2.

-They want to join your settlement.
-They offer you 1 barter in tribute.
-They offer help, aid, shelter, and/or information.

On a 7-9, they appreciate the Dream, and what you stand for, but the world's a hard place.  Pick 1.

On a Fail, the Followers messed up when they encountered the group - they were annoying, heavy-handed, dangerous, lost the purpose of the Dream, and/or preached to the wrong fucking hombres.

Want ppl's opinions.


Re: Custom Move: Gone Forth
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2010, 10:16:18 PM »
Whoops.  The Move also rolls +Weird. (not Cool)

Re: Custom Move: Gone Forth
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2010, 02:43:51 AM »
I like it, it's like a Hocus' version of Reputation.

Re: Custom Move: Gone Forth
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2010, 08:34:13 AM »
The move looks good. Did you purposefully not include any option where your followers have not encountered the people you meet?

Also, I love following the actual play recordings you guys do.

Re: Custom Move: Gone Forth
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2010, 11:26:52 PM »
Wow, you've listened to the pod-cast, Neurook?  Goddamn.  Tell me when I've reached international fame. 

I was trying to go for a Hocus version of Reputation, seeing as JC started off as an Operator, who's dabbling.

Wanted to ask though, why do you think I would want to include an option that the followers hadn't encountered the group?  You  mean to add it as a miss?

Re: Custom Move: Gone Forth
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2010, 06:36:16 PM »
I found it at of all places. Do you guys have a website or something you want to throw out?

As it stands now you as a player has a move that lets you take any NPC and write irrevocably in the fiction that the NPC has had an encounter with your followers. The options for what happens on a hit also give you as a player authority over any NPC.

Maybe that's the point? I don't know nearly enough about game design to say if that is a good thing or a bad thing, but it's very different from the reputation move and reads more like a MC love letter to me.

The reason I was wondering about the why there were not an option for an NPC never having heard of the movement was because I was under the impression that the movement was in its infancy. I was wondering if what you're trying to say with your move is something else, or if there's either a reason in the fiction or in game design that makes it not so.

I might have added options for both having heard about the movement indirectly as well as not having heard anything at all by taking the reputation move and switch all references to "your character" with "the movement" and adding "has never heard of" as a possible outcome on a miss.

Re: Custom Move: Gone Forth
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2010, 01:21:27 AM »
Because not having heard of you is boring, in context of a move. If a move is happening, it should change something, have an effect, be *interesting*. Rolling and saying that, basically, nothing happens is... not all that exciting.

That's my take on this particular scenario (and also on move design in general, as I understand it).

Re: Custom Move: Gone Forth
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2010, 04:33:00 AM »
If you want the option that somebody, somewhere hasn't heard of you, you can just make it like Reputation:

When you meet someone new and important* (your call), roll+weird...

*or "interesting," or "from a place your followers have been" (and again, "your call").

Or: may roll+weird (your call)

If the player rolls, they've heard. If the player doesn't, they haven't. Easy peasy.



  • 10
Re: Custom Move: Gone Forth
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2010, 04:51:47 PM »
On a Fail, the Followers messed up when they encountered the group - they were annoying, heavy-handed, dangerous, lost the purpose of the Dream, and/or preached to the wrong fucking hombres.

Never having met them is just another version of the Followers having messed up--and it's up to the MC what sort of hard move to make...