Take a Sex Move from another Playbook

  • 24 Replies
Re: Take a Sex Move from another Playbook
« Reply #15 on: September 30, 2010, 01:25:38 PM »
That does raise another question in my mind; you hang onto your old stats and most of your old moves when you change playbooks, IIRC, but what happens to your sex move?  Do you get your new one?  Hang onto the old one?  Choose?
It probably depends, I would think.  In most cases I'd expect it to switch to the new one.  Let's look at the driver.  I've got a driver in my game, and if the game continues long enough, I expect him to either switch to a new playbook or take a second character.  I've warned him, that if he switches playbooks, he's almost definitely going to be giving up his cars.  Because (at least this is how I look at it) what does it mean to switch playbooks away from the Driver?  It means you're done with being a driver, and you want to be something else, right?  Presumably, this means you're no longer so worried about being "tied down" so the driver's sex move is likely not as relevant any more either.

Re: Take a Sex Move from another Playbook
« Reply #16 on: September 30, 2010, 01:41:44 PM »
Hot.  I agree wholeheartedly.



  • 285
Re: Take a Sex Move from another Playbook
« Reply #17 on: September 30, 2010, 02:36:50 PM »
Jim, all the thematic stuff makes sense so I'm not going to really keep putting up that fight, but I want it to make sense from a rules perspective too. Those are moves, right?

A player of mine is asking me, and I'm not convinced I should or can say no.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2010, 02:41:53 PM by Bret »
Tupacalypse World

Re: Take a Sex Move from another Playbook
« Reply #18 on: September 30, 2010, 02:53:12 PM »
Cool, I get you.  Thinking on rules:  I'm not sure if they're moves in the conventional sense or what.  Your guy is essentially trying to end up with a move that says, "When you have sex with someone, set your Hx with them to +1, and their Hx with you to +1.  Both of you mark experience."  That seems to me like a pretty obvious attempt to game the system, you know?  It kind of grinds my gears a little bit to think about it.

If that's true, and you allow it, the guy's basically going to be fucking PCs like bunnies.  When someone's Hx hits +4 and gets reset, it's because the character has transcended some level of "knowing someone".  So what are they learning?  That this guy is a nympho?  And on top of that, if he's spending so much time in the sack, what's going on around him that he's missing, or what is he spreading around?  (Hard move time?)  He might just end up with enough rope to hang himself.



  • 1293
Re: Take a Sex Move from another Playbook
« Reply #19 on: September 30, 2010, 03:06:30 PM »
My personal vote is: "You can't! Sex moves are clearly special, it says so right on the character sheet. If you want a new sex move, change playbooks."

Also possible: "Sure! But you can have only one sex move, so it'll replace the one you've got."

Also possible: "Sure! Go for it."

The first is the only one that got playtested. I expect it'll be fine whichever you choose, though. It changes the landscape of play, but not your directions, if you see what I mean.


Re: Take a Sex Move from another Playbook
« Reply #20 on: September 30, 2010, 03:53:01 PM »
So, my min/max silliness aside:

Everyone seems to agree: the sex move is a window into a character's soul. It says much about who they are, what makes them tick, and what their hopes & fears are.

So, if your player wants to change sex moves, I'd suggest talking that perspective through with them. Is your player looking to make radical statements about how they are changing as a person? If so, swapping sex moves makes sense.



  • 285
Re: Take a Sex Move from another Playbook
« Reply #21 on: September 30, 2010, 04:21:25 PM »
Jim, player is a she rather than a he. And you're thinking of Joe's example. That is not the combination of sex moves my player wants at all. She played a Skinner at one point and is now finding she wished she had the Skinner's Sex Move for her character because she really liked it.

Vincent, I'll probably go with the first one. She's already talked about switching to the Skinner Playbook when she hits her 6th advance anyway. I think she can be patient.

Joe, she has some ideas about wanting to get her character pregnant in order to manipulate some of the local warlords, and she was thinking of how the Skinner sex move worked. We can probably come up with a custom move for her.
Tupacalypse World

Re: Take a Sex Move from another Playbook
« Reply #22 on: September 30, 2010, 04:35:04 PM »
D'oh!  Sorry!  My bad, on both counts.

Well, suffice it to say we have a solution anyway.  All things considered, switching her to the skinner playbook does exactly what she wants, and it works from a rule standpoint and a thematic standpoint.  Glad this all helped grease the creative wheels. 



  • 26
Re: Take a Sex Move from another Playbook
« Reply #23 on: October 01, 2010, 06:30:12 AM »
Combine sex moves? Sure, no problem, but it's going to take months of work, you're going to need the battlebabe to help you with it, it's going to mean exposing yourself and others to serious danger, and you're going to have to add a rotating bed and a disco lights to your workplace first.

(I was torn between those and .. is going to take hundreds of tries and you're going to have to take your organ apart to do it.)

Re: Take a Sex Move from another Playbook
« Reply #24 on: October 01, 2010, 09:00:54 AM »
Okay, roll+cool for acting under fire, and the fire is that you'll lose it cracking up laughing at work.


11.  Whew.