Gorkamorka Hack

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Gorkamorka Hack
« on: September 20, 2010, 03:50:17 PM »
‘Ard - experienced, scarred, tough
Cunnin’ - sharp, thinkin’, plannin’
Brutal - mean, savage, nasty
Git - sneaky, dirty, thievin’
Weird - crazy, psychic, explosive

Ork Size, only applies to brawls. Size stages damage up and down in the same way that group sizes do. A boy does -1-harm against a nob, and the nob does +1-harm against the boy. These coincide with group sizes, so a small gang of boyz will be about an even tangle with a couple nobs. (I’ve considered a step between boy and nob - skarboy - but that might be too many). Some playbooks will have the ability to gain size through advances.
- Grot
- Yoof
- Boy
- Nob
- Big Boss
- Warboss

Standard ork kit - 1-armour - a metal plate over your belly or maybe a big spiky metal shoulderpad.
‘Eavy Armour - 2-armour - metal plates here and there, and probably a big metal gob.
Mega Armour 3-Armour - big power armor with a power klaw and all that business. Dead stompy.
Weapons to follow.


Act Under Fire
As per AW-core. Roll +ard instead.

Get Stuck In
Roll +ard when you’re in a brawl. On a 10+ choose 2. On a 7-9 choose 1. Getting stuck in when the other boyz have got guns will often require a prior Act Under Fire roll.
- If you had a goal, you achieve it. Otherwise, you don’t.
- You inflict terrible harm (+1harm dealt)
- You receive little harm (-1harm dealt).

Dakka Dakka
Roll +cunnin when you’re in a gunfight. On a 10+ choose 2. On a 7-9 choose 1.
- They get shot up. Inflict +1harm.
- They gotta keep their heads down and hide behind cover.
- You’re dead-eyed. Inflict harm on a specific target of your choice.

I’m Da Biggest
Roll +brutal when you’re trying to get your way. Against NPCs, on a 10+ they do as you say. On a 7-9 they do as you say but MC chooses one:
- They need a thumpin’. Inflict harm on each other as established. If you would kill them, you can optionally choose to inflict no harm on each other and they are terrorized into doing what you say as though you rolled a +10.
- It won’t be cheap. You need to pay ‘em 1-teef.
- Yeah but it ain’t wot Zadgul wants me doin’, ‘n he’s bigga. ‘E’s not gonna like dis.

Sneaky Git
Roll +git when you’re trying to sneak somewhere or steal something unnoticed. On a 10+ you succeed! On a 7-9 MC choose 1:
- They know you’re up to something, but what?
- You get away but you’ve left your grubby fingerprints all over. They’ll figure it out, and they’ll know who.
- Offer a cost or a hard bargain or sumfing like that.

Open Your Mind to Gork... or is it Mork?
Roll +weird when you stop flapping yer gob for a minute and listen to the gods of the orks.
On a 10+ the MC will give you an itch towards what Gork or Mork want. Take a +1 to rolls towards that agenda. It’ll be something either cunningly brutal or brutally cunning. (that’s how you can tell who it is) On a 7-9 take the above, but take S-harm. That’s why you normally leave this business to the weirdboyz!

Playbooks to come

Unlimited Playbooks:

Limited Playbooks:
Nob (though this might be fulfilled through advancement of the Boy playbook)
« Last Edit: September 20, 2010, 03:52:53 PM by Bret »
Tupacalypse World

Re: Gorkamorka Hack
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2010, 04:07:14 PM »
I think there's too many sizes. A grot with a boltgun can't even scratch a boy, not even with a perfect shot. A grot with a multi-melta or a plasma cannon can't scratch a big boss, not even with a perfect shot.

Or, you know, probably, depending on how you rank weapons.

I'd like to see Yoof and Warboss scrapped, thus tightening up that chain:

Why cunning? What the fuck does cunning have to do with dakka?
I'd rename it to Shooty.


Finally, the Mek better have a move called "Red Ones Go Faster", and the Nob better have a move called "WAAGH!"

Double finally, for the past year I've been working on this game idea which is all about a group of mekboys and tinkerers who repair and soup up busted ork gear. It's basically min/maxing in character, strapping metal plates on top of metal plates, addin' deathspikes, paintin' it red.



  • 285
Re: Gorkamorka Hack
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2010, 04:12:07 PM »
Oh, sorry - size applies ONLY to brawls. So size has no effect on shooting damage. A grot with a knife won't scratch a boy. A grot with a shoota will make him nervous, as long as he can shoot straight. And a gang of grots with knives will have a chance.

Cunnin' is not going to be an exclusively shooty stat. It's going to be used for various leadership and planning type things too I think. We'll see how the Playbooks shake out. Mek is going to use cunnin'.

Hopefully, what you're talking about will be what the Mek playbook is all about. Red Paint and Spikes and bolting guns onto other guns to make really big guns.

Also, regarding sizes, I'm not convinced on tightening them up. Let me think on it. I really want you to be able to grow into a huge, warboss-sized ork and feel it. Size is a big deal to orks.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2010, 04:14:52 PM by Bret »
Tupacalypse World

Re: Gorkamorka Hack
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2010, 08:04:54 PM »
I don't see the difference between 'ard and Brutal, aside from being based on Cool and Hard. Do you really need both?



  • 285
Re: Gorkamorka Hack
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2010, 10:28:12 PM »
I kind of wonder that myself. I mean, part of the reason why they exist is because I don't want one stat to have like four different moves for it. And also I kind of think Docs and Nobs use Brutal, but Boyz tend to use 'Ard. Experience and fightiness versus cruelty and savagery. It's the difference between being battle-hardened and being sadistic.
Tupacalypse World

Re: Gorkamorka Hack
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2010, 12:43:02 AM »
Yeah, it might just be that they need to be defined more clearly. Like you just did.

Re: Gorkamorka Hack
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2010, 01:24:04 PM »
This is great! I especially like your "getting stuck in" for handling brawls.

Dakka Dakka
Roll +cunnin when you’re in a gunfight. On a 10+ choose 2. On a 7-9 choose 1.
- They get shot up. Inflict +1harm.
- They gotta keep their heads down and hide behind cover.
- You’re dead-eyed. Inflict harm on a specific target of your choice.

I’m Da Biggest
Roll +brutal when you’re trying to get your way. Against NPCs, on a 10+ they do as you say. On a 7-9 they do as you say but MC chooses one:
- They need a thumpin’. Inflict harm on each other as established. If you would kill them, you can optionally choose to inflict no harm on each other and they are terrorized into doing what you say as though you rolled a +10.
- It won’t be cheap. You need to pay ‘em 1-teef.
- Yeah but it ain’t wot Zadgul wants me doin’, ‘n he’s bigga. ‘E’s not gonna like dis.

Here are my only concerns: Do you only use dakka dakka when shooting at another gang/mob? Cos if that's the move for shooting at even a single guy, that makes the last option to pick a specific target a non-choice in that case. I really do like that you're just blazing away at the group by default, though.

For I'm Da Biggest, "They need a thumpin'" is awesome, except that it seems like being able to inflict enough harm to kill them is a guaranteed 10+ every time. Maybe that's what you want since Orks are pretty freaking violent and genetically engineered to listen to the ones best able to kill them and all. But it might make it a more interesting trade off if it read "If you would inflict enough harm to kill them, you can choose to terrorize them into doing your bidding. You get the effects of a 10+, inflict no harm, but still take harm as established from them."

In other words, you're pulling your punches, but he sure isn't.

Are you planning on coming up with some more detailed driving/fighting from vehicles rules or moves, or do you think the existing ones'll do ya?



  • 285
Re: Gorkamorka Hack
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2010, 01:30:19 PM »
Dakka dakka can be used to shoot at an individual, there's just a benny for when you're trying to shoot up someone specific when you're shooting at a mob. That might be too nasty though and might get turned into its own move for someone who wants to play a Shootier Boy.

You're probably right on They Need a Thumpin'. Bigger, armored orks aren't going to have much to worry about from someone a lot smaller than them anyway.

Good question about driving/fighting rules. Drivers and gunners will have their own moves and things, and some of them might get convered into basic rules. I'm gonna be making up a lot as I go.
Tupacalypse World