Indeed, but in order to do that, you have to offer leverage, like food, protection, goods, services, etc. Offering sex on its own probably doesn't count as leverage, because to have leverage, it has to be something they want already.
Actually, I'd say it can't make someone want to have sex with you. It can make them have sex with you, but it can't make them want it, just choose to do it in order to get something they want. Sex obtained by Seduce or Manipulate is always going to be a form of prostitution.
Edit: I think, at least. I don't have access to my book at the moment.
I guess my thought is that it seems that sex will always be leverage, in which case they have to want it (because your character is fucking hot, presumably), or the thing you're using your leverage to get, in which case you have to have something to offer besides sex. You won't run into the "I use sex as leverage to get sex from you".