I've written a custom move for when/if the PCs dabbles in the drug Myth, which is a Threat (Affliction: Delusion, impulse: to dominate people's choices and actions). From memory, it goes something like this:
When a character takes a hit of Myth, roll +cool. The MC tells them something they get an impulse to do.
On a 10+, they take +1forward for as long as they're actively working towards their impulse and mark experience when they've fulfilled their impulse.
On a 7-9, they mark experience when they've fulfilled their impulse.
On a 6-, if they're not working towards their impulse, they have to Act Under Fire - on a 10+ they do it, on a 7-9 they're given a bargain, on a 6- they fail and the MC makes as hard of a move as she likes.
For each hit of Myth, increase that character's Myth Addiction Countdown Clock one section.
So rather than In-brain puppet strings, my move works more like the PC has been Manipulated/Seduced. Maybe that'll help, if you're concerned about puppet stringing your PCs?