An unofficial "Space Fantasy" AW hack. Love to get feedback.

  • 12 Replies
An unofficial "Space Fantasy" AW hack. Love to get feedback.
« on: September 16, 2012, 07:43:15 PM »
Hello, I started hacking AW to accomodate star wars roleplaying this week and so far i really like what I've come up with. I've done up ten playbooks including two Jedi playbooks (Guardian and Consular) to reflect the different focuses of the Jedi order. I've kept the basic and peripheral moves the same with the exception of open your brain which I have replaced with a more star wars feeling trust in the force. I also replaced Weird with Attuned. I can't take all the credit here, I was heavily inspired by a fan made Scoundrel and Jedi playbook I found somewhere on the net but the file doesn't indicate the creator so I have no way of asking them if what I've borrowed is alright or not. Hopefully they will enjoy what I have come up with as much as I do and be glad it's inspiring people.

So here is a couple of my playbooks and the new moves (including force powers) for you to look over and share your thoughts.

The Trooper

The Jedi Consular

The Moves

Thanks very much for your time, I really appreciate it.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2012, 10:18:26 PM by Pheylorn »



  • 259
Re: An unofficial Star Wars AW hack. Love to get feedback.
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2012, 09:56:01 PM »
Hey Phey!

I know we've chatted a bit about this stuff from a game perspective, but I don't think I've brought up my one meta concern: Lucasfilms is *really* protective of their copyright and trademarks so a project like this could really see some cease and desist heat from people with deep pockets.

Anyway you can make it a more generic space fantasy hack?
"If you get shot enough times, your body will actually build up immunity to bullets. The real trick lies in surviving the first dozen or so..."

Re: An unofficial 'Space Fantasy' AW hack. Love to get feedback.
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2012, 10:17:48 PM »
If they ask me to take this down, I will happily oblige. This is completely not for profit and I will respect the legalities if it comes to that.

That being said, generic 'space fantasy' game may be required. :)

Re: An unofficial "Space Fantasy" AW hack. Love to get feedback.
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2012, 10:49:06 AM »
There's some great stuff here! I've been playing a Star Wars game in Strands of Fate and not digging it, and AWE hacking was probably the next step for my group. I'd love to see anything else you've got; even if I end up going in another direction, it'll definitely save me some wheel-reinventing. I'm particularly curious which other iconic things you turned in to playbooks.

In general with the moves and stats, I'm trying to figure out how to make them more SW and less AW. "Seize by force" and "Go aggro," are, to me, very tied in with my idea of AW-style violence, which is very different from SW-style violence. Likewise, I don't think of most of the SW protagonists who are good at violence as "Hard" (well, maybe Mace Windu).

What are SW heroes? Some of them are Attuned, so that's definitely good. Bold, maybe. Cool might still work, or Slick. Suave, if you wanted to distinguish "good in a tight spot" versus "charming" (Han Solo is both, Ep.IV Luke is maybe the first).

I might make the +1 ongoing(!)/+1 Forward aspect of Trust in the Force a Force Move, just because it's really good on a strong hit. Also, making it explicit how even Han Solo can Trust In the Force (even though he wouldn't call it that), perhaps with a change in the move-triggering language or the move name ("trust your instincts," ferex).

In general I like the idea that people who aren't of the two Jedi playbooks could easily Jedi-ify between "take another playbook's move" and a decent starting Attuned (which is thematically similar, I'm told, to how the latest d20 Star Wars game played it, where anyone Class could be Jedi-ish/force sensitive, but you took the Jedi classes and Force feats if you wanted to specialize in or emphasize that sort of thing).

You should probably tweak the looks and such. I can't personally imagine a Jedi Consular in leather wear (but perhaps you can. :P). Maybe a "race" entry, also: "an ancient race, a lizard race, a furred race, a human (or nearly) race, droid."

The names, also, might do with some more tweaking. I'm sure there's a database of minor character canon names somewhere, and/or, and/or Monsterhearts-style lists, where they give you a few options and then also describe the categories they're going for ("A sibilant name, a soft-sounding name, a name full of consonants").

Re: An unofficial "Space Fantasy" AW hack. Love to get feedback.
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2012, 11:29:32 AM »
There's still a lot of fine-tuning to be done, make no mistake, but it's playable as is. Ran my first playtest session last night and they group liked it so much we decided to keep playing this game and abandon our other one for now. So I think it went well.=)

Your comment re: trust in the force is precisely right, anyone can use it to trust their instincts and gut feeling as well as movement in the force. I picture Han's "I've got a bad feeling about this" and "That wasn't blaster fire, something hit us" as classic examples of this move in play. The +1 ongoing is there to encourage people to use their attuned score, especially non jedi playbooks. So yeah it's a bit much, but I'm ok with that for now. I'll see how it plays out though.

Send me a PM with your email address and I will send you the other playbooks.

Re: An unofficial "Space Fantasy" AW hack. Love to get feedback.
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2012, 12:02:57 PM »
Apparently your inbox is full! But I would like that very much. I've temporarily un-hidden my e-mail address in my profile.

I'm glad to hear it's been working in play. What sort of party did you end up with, and what sort of adventures?

Re: An unofficial "Space Fantasy" AW hack. Love to get feedback.
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2012, 12:43:41 PM »
PM Sent.

Last night we had a Human Jedi Consular, Zabrak Jedi Guardian, Rodian Scoundrel and Togruta Operative. This is the most diverse group I've ever seen in star wars and I think that has a lot to do with a lack of species traits, players could feel free to play any species and not worry about what stat bonus and negatives they suffer. So already +1 goodness.

We came up with a game in the New Republic (pre-yuuzhan vong) where the two jedi were being sent to the neutral system Efrin to open negotiations to have them join the republic, there were also reports of Imperial interest in the system. The Hx exercise went wonderfully, best part of the night easily as the Consular and Scoundrel way way back and were old comrades and the Operative ended up being force senstive, which now has that player strongly considering taking the Jedi path one day, awesomecause!

The session opened up with the Scoundrel failing his "smuggling" roll as he attempt to smuggle the Jedi onto the planet beneath imperial notice but they were brought out of hyperspace by an interdictor class star destroyer, boarded and a large blaster battle ensued on board. eventually the boarders were disabled or killed, they boarding pods ejected and the Consular used force mastery to implant a large scale illusion that they're ship blew up which allowed the group to slip away onto the planet.

Was a great sessions, plenty of fun off the cuff moves and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun!

Re: An unofficial "Space Fantasy" AW hack. Love to get feedback.
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2012, 01:25:42 PM »
We came up with a game in the New Republic (pre-yuuzhan vong)

The Hack Sounds awesome I'd love to try it out!

That's a cool time period too! (I especially like the first Dark Empire comic series...early new republic), hopefully most SW fans will ignore the Yuuzhan Vong *shudder* ...I may get some backlash on that but they were a terrible idea (still not as bad as jar-jar though) ; )

Good work!

Re: An unofficial "Space Fantasy" AW hack. Love to get feedback.
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2012, 01:47:10 PM »
Hank! I liked the Yuuzhan Vong! When I run this for you I will make you play a Gungun! How's that for back-lash? :P

Re: An unofficial "Space Fantasy" AW hack. Love to get feedback.
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2012, 05:58:29 PM »
Hank! I liked the Yuuzhan Vong! When I run this for you I will make you play a Gungun! How's that for back-lash? :P

Nice one ; )-

Re: An unofficial "Space Fantasy" AW hack. Love to get feedback.
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2012, 05:37:12 PM »
Hey guys, for anyone still interested. :)

Here are the most current versions of the playbooks. Most notable changes are instead of each playbook having a Sex Move they now all have Death Moves. That one last thing you get to do if your character has the unfortunate luck of passing away within the campaign. I think it suits the Star Wars feel more so than the sex moves.

We also revamped the way the Force works considerably. I think the end result is cleaner and even more cool than before.

Let me know what you think. Thank you.

Re: An unofficial "Space Fantasy" AW hack. Love to get feedback.
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2012, 12:20:31 PM »
After several weeks and multiple sessions by a couple different MC's the next version of this game is now complete. We also have the playbooks into convenient legal sized tri-folds with pretty pretty character sheets. Enjoy!

Remember, if you try this out I would LOVE to hear feedback and of courses any great stories that come of it! 

Re: An unofficial "Space Fantasy" AW hack. Love to get feedback.
« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2012, 11:38:19 AM »
Hey all, I highly recommend giving Pheylorns SWW hack a try! You will be hooked!

ApocW is by far the best rules set to capture a true Star Wars experince.

I have been Mc'ing his hack for 2 crews - It's been AMAZING, and the players love it!

Not sure if the doc is available, but I've been using special NPC stats for powerful NPC's that Pheylorn did up. Works really well as they have holds for each scene they can spend. Very easy to adapt this great idea to any other hack/ApocW also.

Thanks for the hard work Pheylorn!