Playbook: The Tribal

  • 12 Replies
Playbook: The Tribal
« on: September 10, 2010, 05:45:13 PM »
Hey.  My first post.  Would love suggestions, tips, ideas, thoughts. 

Gone are the old ways, and the good ol' days.  What happens when you've forgotten how to speak, how to act,  how to be 'civilized?' You reinvent yourself, and take what you can from the dead world.  You've taken the scraps of memory left in the ruins, and from it, a new order -  a new culture - has arisen.  One that can survive the toxic air, the things that roam, and worst of all, other people.  When the last of your machines break down- when everyone's dying for a drop, you will thrive.

Creating the Tribal
Choose a name, look, stats, a tribal trait, moves, gear, and Hx.

Pale Dog, Joe, Zog, Oog, Kurtz, Rags, Hunter, Bad Crow, Him/Her, Mister/Misses Savage, Si, Sprang, Za, Sky, Pepsi, Ghost, Knocker, Demon, Black man, No-No, Mojo, Gungadish, Skeleton, Monkeyboy, Noble, John.

Man, woman, ambigious, transgressing.
Leather wear, fur wear, scrap wear, scrounge wear, vintage wear, rugged wear, display wear.
Lithe body, scarred body, tattooed body, gaunt body, muscled body, bony and tall body, solid body.
Noble face, scarred face, crooked face, tired face, gorgeous face, inbred face, weathered face.
Laughing eyes, Serene Eyes, Wild Eyes, Pale eyes, Cloudy Eyes,  Sad Eyes, Watchful Eyes, Guarded Eyes, Spooky Eyes, Clever eyes, Dull eyes, Squinty eyes.

•   Cool+1  Hard+0  Hot+1  Sharp+2 Weird-1
•   Cool+0  Hard+1  Hot-1  Sharp+2 Weird+1
•   Cool+1  Hard-1  Hot+1  Sharp+2 Weird+0
•   Cool-1  Hard+1  Hot+0  Sharp+2 Weird+1

You get all the basic moves.  And this one:

 Wasteland Survival:  With preparation and the right materials, the Tribal can make something for himself, up tor a small gang.  Pick one:  Shelter/protection, food/water, medicine, basic weapons/armor.   Plus roll+Sharp.  10+ The creation is permanent.  7-9: Will soon break down with use.  On a fail, you end up wasting time and the material. 
And pick 2:

Ambush:  Prep before going aggro or seizing by force.  Prep can mean anything from hiding a broken bottle behind your back, setting snares, or waiting till night falls.  Right before you make your move, roll +Sharp.  10+ pick both.  7-9 pick one.   
•   They're vulnerable.  You do AP or +1 harm. 
•   They're disorganized.  They do -1 harm.
On a fail, you're caught before you're ready.  You do -1harm.  They do +1harm.
Ambush lasts till whenever the MC decides the NPCs can identify the threat and/or get themselves rallied.  For PCs, they'll need to Act Under Fire.

Quick In:  When using a hand weapon, or any tribal/primitive type weapons (like a bow), gain +1 armour.

Somewhere Out There:  Name a person, place or thing out in the Wastelands that you want to find.  It exists.  Roll +Sharp.  On a success, you know where it is, but the MC chooses 1.  On a 7-9, the MC chooses 2.  A fail, the GM chooses 4.
•   It's far off;
•   In hostile territory;
•    it's in the vicinity;
•   You can't go back the same way you came;
•   it's been claimed;
•    it's not what you expected;
•   it's in danger.

Deja Vu: At the start of a charged situation, make a prediction then roll + Sharp.  10+ Hold 2.  7-9 Hold 1.  You can spend your holds 1-for-1 on yourself, or another PC to take +1 to make the prediction come true.  On  a fail, take -1 forwards, as you're looking the wrong way.

In Every Footprint, In Every Cloud, a Sign:  Use Sharp when opening your brain to the psychic maelstrom.

You are the Prey, the Hunter: +1 Sharp.

Tribe Set:
You come from a tribe.  They worship a specific way, they act a specific way, they believe in certain gods.   Because of where you're from, choose a set, and pick one of the tribal traits therein:

-Child Tribe:  The adults never found you, or maybe you exile anyone over a certain age.   Pick one:
•   Child immortality:  The first time you take a debility, ignore it.  You're now out of the fight and left for dead.   You'll come back in the aftermath.  Erase all harm.
•   Perceived vulnerability: Whenever someone offers you aid, protection, care or comfort, and you accept, they gain +1 xp.

Blood and Darkness tribe:  Gathered in secret, your tribe conducts dark rites.  More in tune with monsters, than with people.
•   Cannibal:  While away from your tribe, gain +1 xp when you eat someone.  Spread the love.
•   Wasteland demon:  Pick one condition:  Inflicting harm in darkness/Inflicting harm with a hand or intimate weapon.  Whenever you inflict harm with this condition, then inflict +1 harm and +messy.  If the weapon is already +messy, it becomes +GORE EXPLOSION.

Exploration tribe:  Your tribe roams the earth, learning about the people and the world.
•   Crazy prepared:  Gain a piece of gear from another playbook.
•   Well versed:  Gain an additional sex move from another playbook.  When you do the nasty, you can now use either the new sex move,  your tribal sex move, or both.

Exodus tribe:  Your tribe has suffered, and forced to leave their ancestral land. The tribe's warriors are dead, and only you remain to lead them.  The tribe consists of the very young, and the very old.  A medium gang, 0-harm, 0-armour.  Plus pick 2:  Vulnerable: Desperation; Vulnerable: Disease: Vulnerable: Hunger, Vulnerable: Violence.  In addition, at the beginning of every session, they produce 1 barter for you.
•   You can consult the tribal elders.  Gain +insight.
•   Whenever you protects the tribe from danger, or improves their lot, you gain +1 xp.

Maelstrom Tribe:  You are the product of a tribe highly in tune with the ebbs and flow of the psychic maelstrom.  The tribe even refers to the maelstrom directly, as if it were a place.
•   Shaman: With preparation, gain +augury.  You can use Sharp for augury if you have a move that lets you use Sharp to open your brain to the psychic maelstrom.
•    Intimacy with the secret world:  Once per session, in private, you can ask the MC about the nature of a threat that has been encountered, or is looming.  Gain +1 if you act on what the MC tells you, similar to using the basic Sharp move.

Wasteland tribe: Your people are tough and hardy, pragmatic.   You're in balance with the land, and conduct regular business with other settlements.
•   Nothing wasted:  Whenever you successfully use the Wasteland Survival move, gain +1 barter.
•   Helpful Native:  After a successful Wasteland Survival move, whenever you share the earnings with one or more PC, gain +1 xp.

You get clothes appropriate to your look, and 1-armour at your discretion.  Plus, pick 2 Tribal weapons:
Boomerang:  (2-harm, close/far, returns) and an armoured glove.
Longspear: (3-harm, hand/close)
Garrote: (2-harm, AP, intimate)
Blunt War Weapon: (3-harm, hand, messy)
Great Scything Blade: (3-harm, hand, messy)
Bow: (2-harm, close, AP)
Outdated Hunting Rifle: (2-harm, far, AP, loud, reload)
Ceremonial dagger:  (2-harm, hand, valuable)
Hunting knives: (2-harm, hand, infinite)
Javelins: (2-harm, hand/close, reload)
Bolas: (1-harm, s-harm, close, reload).
Junked Sawn-off shotgun: (3-harm, close, loud, reload)
Your Own Damn Nails and Teeth: (2-harm, intimate/hand, implanted, messy).
Clawed glove: (2-harm, close, messy)

On your turn, pick 1 or both:
Tell someone +1 hx.  They've had dealings with your tribe before.
Tell someone Hx-2: Your tribe has been hostile to that PC, or someone near and dear to them.
Everyone else, tell them -1.  You're strange and different.
On their turn, pick one or both:
Whatever number someone tells you, write +2 instead.  You've helped them when they were lost, alone and hurting.
Hx -2: They've fucked with or double-dealt your tribe.

Tribal Special:
When you and another character have sex, you can gain +1 history with them, and they get -1 history with you.   Or you get -1 history with them, and they get +1 history.  What with the cultural difference.

--+1 Cool (max +2)
--+1 Hard (max +2)
--+1 Hot (max +2)
--+1 Weird (max +2)
--Gain another tribal trait from a different tribe set. 
--Gain the second tribal trait from a set you've already taken.
--Gain a tribal move.
--Gain another tribal move.
--Gain a move from another playbook.
--Gain a move from another playbook.

Re: Playbook: The Tribal
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2010, 06:28:29 PM »
At first glance I love it (but I'm in migraine hell and not at my full wits). I especially like what you did with Somewhere Out There, as I tried to do something similar for a playbook I created and you accomplished just what I tried to do, but a lot more elegantly.

Re: Playbook: The Tribal
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2010, 08:25:48 PM »
Given that the tribe specials are essentially an extra move, maybe having the survival move and 2 more and the tribe move is too much? You could have the tribal one and two more from the list, without changing the character much.

I think that the Wasteland Survival and Ambush moves are both cool, but maybe need a little more polish.

The Wasteland Survival could be: pick clothing, shelter, food, water, medicine, 2-harm weapon or 1-armour. On a 10+ pick 3, on 7-9 pick 2:
- It is enough for a few people (say 5).
- It will last a week.
- It's solid quality - not liable to break or taste bad or whatever
- It doesn't take a long time to make.

Or something like that.

I'd like to see ambush give you a few more options besides the + or - harm. Maybe include options to set the range, ensure you have cover, or maybe make it so they can't use certain gear?

Also, the tribe's there but the character doesn't have any strong connections to them - where's the advances to lead some of them as a gang and/or followers? Maybe a move to have a small gang as a hunting/raiding group would be cool?

Re: Playbook: The Tribal
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2010, 10:16:18 PM »
I agree that with the tribal moves included, you'd want to limit initial choices to Wasteland Survival and then pick one.  That gives you the "Three things" that's common to the various playbooks. 

The tribe sets are great.  There's a lot of evocative images there. 

Re: Playbook: The Tribal
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2010, 07:45:51 PM »
This is a cool idea, and Mike's suggestions are pretty solid.

On other people's Hx turn, you can replace two of them, but do you modify the other numbers? It doesn't say so I would assume it's "everyone else, write down what they tell you."

Re: Playbook: The Tribal
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2010, 02:07:24 PM »
I really love everyone's suggestions!  And Mr. Sands, good call on everything.  A hunting/raiding party?  Hell yes.  The idea of adding extra bonuses for Ambush is also good - was trying to come up with ideas for additional bonuses, without taking away from what Going Aggro or Seize by Force accomplished.

And yes, Mr. Johnstone, the Tribal will take the Hx the other PCs tell him, after he picks the one option (or both options).


Wasteland Survival: The Tribal can create something, with preparation, and the right materials.  Pick one:  Clothes, shelter, protection, food, water, temporary medicine, 2-harm weapon, 1-armour. 
Then roll+Sharp.  On a 10+ Pick 3.  7-9 Pick 2.
-It can be fashioned quickly.
-It can last for a while.
-It's of good quality, capable of adding a minor effect.
-It can supply up to a small gang.

On a fail, time, and the resources are wasted.

Ambush: Prep before going aggro or seizing by force.  Prep can mean anything from hiding a broken bottle behind your back, setting snares, or waiting till night falls.  Right before you make your move, roll +Sharp.  10+ pick 3.  7-9 pick 1.   
•   They're vulnerable.  You do AP or +1 harm.
•   They're disorganized.  They do -1 harm.
•   You set the engagement.  Pick your starting range.
•   You're in good position.  Add a piece of cover in this battle that you can hide behind.  Worth 1-armour. 
•  They're cutoff.  The enemy cannot retreat the way they came in.
•  They're distracted by you.  Your allies take +1 forward if Going Aggro/Seizing by Force.

On a fail, you're caught before you're ready.  The MC can choose 2 from the list.
Vulnerable/Disorganized lasts till whenever the MC decides the NPCs can identify the threat and/or get themselves rallied.  For PCs, they'll need to Act Under Fire.  The other effects are under the whims of battle.

--+1 Cool (max +2)
--+1 Hard (max +2)
--+1 Hot (max +2)
--+1 Weird (max +2)
--Gain a gang (detail), and Leadership.
--Gain the second tribal trait from the set you've already taken.
--Gain a tribal move.
--Gain another tribal move.
--Gain a move from another playbook.
--Gain a move from another playbook.
[Note:  The Tribal has to take the second trait from the Tribal set.  And I removed getting a third tribal trait, and added the gang.  Was wondering whether to take Pack Alpha or Leadership, but settled on leadership]

Re: Playbook: The Tribal
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2010, 02:10:52 PM »
A change on the weapons.

The bolas do not do 1harm, but they still do s-harm.
Bolas: (s-harm, close, reload.)

The Outdated Hunting Rifle:
(2-harm, far, loud, reload, AP*)  *-AP only if attacking by surprise. 

Re: Playbook: The Tribal
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2010, 02:16:47 PM »
Oh, and the junked Sawn-Off Shotgun also does +Messy.  Duh. 

Re: Playbook: The Tribal
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2010, 02:45:22 PM »
[Note:  The Tribal has to take the second trait from the Tribal set.  And I removed getting a third tribal trait, and added the gang.  Was wondering whether to take Pack Alpha or Leadership, but settled on leadership]

What made you choose Leadership? I figured that the Tribal was more connected to pack alpha, considering the more "hunting party" element of the character, and the general "in tune with nature" kind of deal.

Re: Playbook: The Tribal
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2010, 03:55:35 PM »
I like the revisions!

Glendower, I think Leadership works well if you're looking at "I'm the next chieftain" rather than "I'm the big hunter" as a concept. I'm interested to know if that was the justification for it :)

Re: Playbook: The Tribal
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2010, 12:49:08 PM »
Somewhere Out There:  Name a person, place or thing out in the Wastelands that you want to find.  It exists.  Roll +Sharp.  On a success, you know where it is, but the MC chooses 1.  On a 7-9, the MC chooses 2.  A fail, the GM chooses 4.
•   It's far off;
•   In hostile territory;
•    it's in the vicinity;
•   You can't go back the same way you came;
•   it's been claimed;
•    it's not what you expected;
•   it's in danger.
This is fantastic. Do you mind if I borrow it?

Re: Playbook: The Tribal
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2010, 04:40:56 PM »
This is fantastic. Do you mind if I borrow it?

John Anderson:  Please borrow, and share with the rest of us if you can.

Whether the Tribal is playable or not, one of the biggest things I'm concerned with is ideas getting passed around, and developed.  And if this inspires someone to write something even bett]er, then it's all our gain.  So please go for it.

I like the revisions!

Glendower, I think Leadership works well if you're looking at "I'm the next chieftain" rather than "I'm the big hunter" as a concept. I'm interested to know if that was the justification for it :)

Glendower and Mike Sands:  I was actually waffling over whether to add Pack Alpha or Leadership with the gaining of a gang.  Both can make sense, depending on what the player and MC agree on.  Both also do roughly the same thing, except the context and flavour is different.  I'm more leaning towards Mike Sands' interpretation, however, as Pack Alpha implies the gang actually needs to be forcefully coerced into doing what the PC wants.  Leadership implies there's a sort of union, organization and training involved. 

My interpretation of the Tribal is that he is - ironically - from a community, despite being "uncivilized."  There would have to be a level of trust, co-operation and teamwork if they are to work together to bring down the radscorpions, raiders and two-headed dinosaurs.     

Re: Playbook: The Tribal
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2010, 04:48:56 PM »
I agree that with the tribal moves included, you'd want to limit initial choices to Wasteland Survival and then pick one.  That gives you the "Three things" that's common to the various playbooks. 

The tribe sets are great.  There's a lot of evocative images there. 

After taking another look at the Playbooks, I'm in agreement.


Tribal Moves: The Tribal gets all the Basic Moves, plus one Move from the Tribal Set, and Wasteland Survival.

Also, having talked to Glendower some, I wanted to assert I believe Wasteland Survival should be a Move common with any and every tribal, no matter from what sort of tribe he's from.  Any Tribal, from a cannibal, to a spiritual guru, would have a basic understanding of how to fend for himself, and live off the land.  The other playbooks need barter from their respective jobs in order to make their way, but the Tribal is contrasted as being self-sustaining.