Rob's BSG (was Re: Where is the Dragon Killer?)

  • 7 Replies
Rob's BSG (was Re: Where is the Dragon Killer?)
« on: June 11, 2010, 02:45:52 PM »
I really need to work on that BSG thing.
I expect a full report on my desk first thing Monday morning!

Re: Rob's BSG (was Re: Where is the Dragon Killer?)
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2010, 11:03:41 AM »
Rob, my inbox is suspiciously empty.

Re: Rob's BSG (was Re: Where is the Dragon Killer?)
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2010, 12:57:25 PM »
Here is everything I did over the weekend (just to prove I did shit; don't expect this again):

Exodus notes

•   BSG using Apocalypse World

What I want to do

•   Use naval terms for things
•   Make things less vague and Vincent-brained

Analysis of game

•   Doing something under fire (+cool)
o   Success: Sneaking, being shot at, being tortured, being interrogated
o   Problem: active things to do (other than sneaking)

•   Go aggro (+hard)
o   Success: force your hand and suck it up or cave and do what you want
o   Mixed: choose
•   get out of your way
•   barricade securely in
•   give you something they think you want
•   back off calmly, hands where you can see
•   Tell you what you want to know (or hear)
o   Failure: n/a
o   Problem:
•   definition of "go aggro"
•   Ways to weasel out of a partial victory
•   It can be so many apparently-contradictory things
Misspent Youth: Teenage rebellion in a fucked-up future.

Re: Rob's BSG (was Re: Where is the Dragon Killer?)
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2010, 01:21:52 PM »
Wow, re-reading that "vague and Vincent-brained" sounds mean in a way I didn't intend. Oops. Vague =/= Vincent-brained.
Misspent Youth: Teenage rebellion in a fucked-up future.



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Re: Rob's BSG (was Re: Where is the Dragon Killer?)
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2010, 01:31:46 PM »
Ha ha!

My serious advice would be to ignore the Apocalypse World moves and figure out what BSG's characters actually do. Think about who takes action, what's the range of actions they take, what are the implied possible consequences when they take action, and what really comes of their actions. I'd give examples but I'm a giant hater.

You can come back and look at the Apocalypse World moves if you want to see how I've implemented something, but that's all I'd use them for.


Re: Rob's BSG (was Re: Where is the Dragon Killer?)
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2010, 01:44:56 PM »
I'm going to rewatch the series with a notebook and figure out what they do, but I'm diagramming AW because I want to try to throughly understand how it works, too.

Tangentially, I actually DID some of this with Freaks and Geeks, LOST, the Dawn of the Dead remake, Avatar: the Last Airbender, and the second half of the 4th season of Angel (the Jasmine stuff).

(Oh, also, figuring out how you made AW work will help me know what kinds of things to look for when watching the show.)
Misspent Youth: Teenage rebellion in a fucked-up future.

Re: Rob's BSG (was Re: Where is the Dragon Killer?)
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2010, 09:41:34 AM »
I wish I knew enough about Apocalypse World to discuss that stuff adequately.  BSG I can, however!  Please post about your research when you do it, Rob!

Re: Rob's BSG (was Re: Where is the Dragon Killer?)
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2010, 09:07:09 AM »
Jamey, I started a thread with my live-notes.
Misspent Youth: Teenage rebellion in a fucked-up future.