Oh, well sure, that's "the backdrop for something else" territory. Jumping through the GM's preplanned hoops and my guy's a total badass, sure, yeah.
If Right to Dream and Step On Up are showcases in instances of play, how can there be a "debased" version of a game. You're saying in one breath that the system can only help to develop a particular instance of play, but really the instance of play is what makes it Right to Dream or Step On Up.
Yet, you're also saying it's possible to play "debased" versions of these. Meaning, the system intends for you to play Step On Up, but we're playing Right to Dream instead.
I just don't see how those things are compatible.
If we're all playing to see our characters be badasses, and the GM is ensuring this with victories over mooks and monsters. Isn't that Right to Dream? How can it be debased Step On Up if the system doesn't necessarily have a CA.
@Chris - The basketball analogy doesn't make any sense to me. I'm not talking about setting up a 4E encounter that's too weak.