I took my own advice and cobbled together a Faceless playbook from the material here on the forums, using Scribus, some font sleuthing, and Vincent's AW art technique applied to a Creative Commons pic of Cory Doctorow in a funky mask. Picture proof:
http://twitpic.com/2gmea5It was a lot of fun to make, and looks good! Having made one, I'm desperately trying to think of new archetypes that I find compelling just so I can make more. It's ridiculously satisfying to create something, even if it's a bootleg. :)
(Sorry, I'm not going to share the print file. Doing this for personal use is one thing, but I'm not going to distribute and stomp on several feet's worth of toes. However: I am almost completely unskilled at desktop publishing, so I'm proof anyone can do it with a bit of work…)