Here is just a draft inspired by that idea, mease!
- Alex
The Addict
When you've become addicted to a substance (say, for example, Black Lotus), you can take the move "Addicted" when you level up. If you do, add the other moves to your advancement list. For the purposes of this class, the GM's hold over you from an addictive substance is refered to as your "addiction".
Addicted: When you imbibe an addictive substance and the GM already has hold over you from that substance, you may choose not to use up the GM's hold over you. Instead, you may allow him to keep the current hold or even add +1 to addiction (max +3). When you voluntarily increase your addiction, mark XP.
Conditioned: When you imbibe an addictive substance you're addicted to, add your addiction to the roll.
Drunken Master: When you hack and slash while intoxicated, add your addiction to damage dealt.
Haggle: When you buy something you're addicted to, reduce the price in coins by your addiction.