How many Hacks of AW?

  • 4 Replies
How many Hacks of AW?
« on: August 06, 2010, 07:50:53 AM »
There is 16 hacks subforum of AW.

The system is really good and I'm thinking too to try some other setting or moves set.
But as there is already a lot of work in progress. So I think could be interesting summarize the different hacks by genre.

I mean, I'm looking for a classical Sword&Sorcery hack of AW, like Conan saga. I think that the setting are quite similar as mood and as concept. What hacks already in progress do you think could be interesting for this kind of setting?


Re: How many Hacks of AW?
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2010, 12:49:18 PM »
Saga of the Icelanders does a nordic fantasy/ragnarok kind of thing, I think.

Re: How many Hacks of AW?
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2010, 12:06:55 AM »
Why don't you play it almost-as-written?

Take out the guns, replace them with 1-harm slings, 2-harm bows, and (if you take wizardry as a move), 3-harm wizardry.

The Driver gets a giant monster or a wicked mount instead of a car. So maybe he rides a dragon or commands a troll.

And then you just use different names for everything else. Different names for the playbooks, different names for the moves, but with the same rules. That should do it, really!

And use my stealth moves on p. 270!

Re: How many Hacks of AW?
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2010, 10:27:25 AM »
I mean, I'm looking for a classical Sword&Sorcery hack of AW, like Conan saga. I think that the setting are quite similar as mood and as concept. What hacks already in progress do you think could be interesting for this kind of setting?


This probably isn't exactly Swords & Sorcery, but I've hacked the Dark Sun setting to create a fantasy themed AW game with "swords" and "magic".

Check it out here:

DarkSol AW Hack
An Actual Play Report by theloneamigo

Here's an example Theme (playbook):

The Warrior
Warriors are the baddest motherfuckers to stand on the burning sands of Athas. They are lone destroyers and powerful foes made of might and muscle, warlords who command by their strength alone. Don't stand in a Warrior's way unless you want to see your blood wetting the earth.

Warrior Moves
Choose 2:

Battle-Hardened: When you press on or dig in under harsh conditions, Roll+Str instead of Roll+Con.

Brutal: You get +1Str (max +3).

Live To Fight Another Day: Name your escape route and Roll+Wis.
On a 10+, you made it. You're gone. On a 7-9, you can go or stay, but if you go it costs you: leave something behind, or take something with you, the DM will tell you what. On a miss, you're caught vulnerable, half in and half out.

Immaculate Physique: When you try to seduce someone, Roll+Str instead of Roll+Cha.

Size 'Em Up: When you read a person and you're acting on the DM's answers, take +2 instead of +1.

Battlefield Intuition: When you open your psyche to the dragon in battle, Roll+Str instead of Roll+Int. Only in battle.

Sacred Weapon: Choose one of your weapons. You never lose that weapon. Ever. No matter what. It's like Indiana Jones' hat.

Fearless: When you go into danger situation without hesitation, you get +1armor. If you happen to be leading a gang, legion or cult, it gets +1armor too.

Warrior Hx
Everyone introduces their characters by name, look and outlook. Take your turn. List the other character's names.

Go around again for Hx. On your turn, choose 1, 2 or all 3:
One of them has fought shoulder-to-shoulder with you. Tell that player Hx+2.
One of them once left you bleeding and did nothing for you. Tell that player Hx-2.
Choose which one of them you think is the prettiest. Tell that player Hx+2.

Tell everyone else Hx=0.

On the other's turns:
Choose which character you think is smartest. Whatever number that player tells you, add 1 to it and write it next to the character's name.

Everyone else, whatever number they tell you, write it next to their character's name.

At the end, find the character with the highest Hx on your sheet. Ask that player which of your stats is most interesting, and highlight it. The DM will have you highlight a second stat too.

Warrior Hx Special
If you and another character fight shoulder-to-shoulder in battle, you mark +1Hx with each other.

Warrior Starting Gear
You get:

    * a metal weapon of your choice
    * two other weapons of your choice
    * many knives
    * armor worth 2-armor (you detail)
    * oddments worth 1-barter

Re: How many Hacks of AW?
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2010, 05:04:59 PM »
I actually think that Dark Sun (and your hack thereof) is pretty close to a Swords and Sorcery feel (magic is dirty and powerful, life is cheap, yadda yadda). I'd probably just a) reflavor it so that the world isn't *quite* so desolate, and b) reflavor the distinction between stone and metal weapons to like bronze and steel or something.

And maybe leave out the cannibal halflings :)

Seriously, though, if going for  a real Howard/Leiber/Niven feel, I'd probably drop out the races, even though they're pretty cool in your hack ("You're a fucking giant". Need I say more)