How to get the Action Scientist and other extra playbooks

  • 12 Replies
How to get the Action Scientist and other extra playbooks
« on: June 20, 2012, 03:32:31 PM »
The Action Scientist is inspired by the hard-working men and women and robots of Tesladyne in the Atomic Robo comics. The Action Scientist will bring a lot of science mayhem to your mystery. Also, thanks to Brian Clevinger and Scott Wegener, who kindly agreed to let me use an illustration from Atomic Robo for the playbook (it's Jenkins).

You can have a copy of the Action Scientist if you run (or play) Monster of the Week at a convention. Drop me a line here or by email if you qualify and I'll send you a copy.

The other playbooks are available as a pay-what-you-want product on drivethrurpg.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2014, 08:59:47 PM by Mike Sands »

Re: The Action Scientist can join you for convention games.
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2012, 03:14:34 PM »
I ran a game at the UK Games Expo with the Action Scientist, went very well! More than happy to get a copy with the art, whenever's convenient... ;)

Re: The Action Scientist can join you for convention games.
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2012, 03:26:15 PM »
Sure! I'm planning to go through my old emails for people who already had the playtest copy over the weekend. Expect it soon.

Re: The Action Scientist can join you for convention games.
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2012, 01:38:59 AM »
Received, thanks! :)

Re: How to get the Action Scientist or Exile playbooks
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2012, 11:09:16 PM »
Hey man, it was only a mini-con I ran my game at, so I don't know if it qualifies me for Action Scientist, but I have posted a report of it on my blog:

Long story short: great game, looking forward to running more MotW in the very near future. :D

Re: How to get the Action Scientist or Exile playbooks
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2012, 11:45:30 PM »
lost_zeppo: check your email for the playbooks!

Re: How to get the Action Scientist or Exile playbooks
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2012, 10:31:34 AM »
Got them, thanks! :D

Re: How to get the Action Scientist or Exile playbooks
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2013, 05:13:07 PM »
I played this in an after school club and posted session reports here and here

Great system, and I look forward to playing it many, many more times.

Re: How to get the Action Scientist or Exile playbooks
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2013, 03:42:23 AM »
I played this in an after school club and posted session reports here and here

Great system, and I look forward to playing it many, many more times.

Thanks! That sounds like a great game.

Re: How to get the Action Scientist or Exile playbooks
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2013, 07:51:06 PM »
I ran Monster of the Week at this gaming convention:

It was fairly successful but it was the first time I actually run the game so made a few mistakes. The PC's probably leveled up too fast because I gave them Experience every time they used a highlighted skill in a scene, without considering they could not tap it multiple times in a scene. When the Professional and the Chosen where killing the hell out of Jimengeo (Fish Men) with Shotguns and Swords, they were racking in a huge amount of experience. Should have known that they don't get XP for every attack they make, even if it is a highlighted skill. Otherwise the game was pretty fun, involving the PC's finding out about the tainted food, the Fish Men and the Gizara Oni who was birthing them. They got into a major fight saving a Fish Food restaurant from an attack from a horde of Fish Men. The Professional used his connections to get a military unit to help provide a distraction once they got to the Fish Men's lair so the PC's could avoid fighting a huge amount Fishmen. They also used a portable electric generator to shock the spawning pool and kill the Fish Babies, who would have chewed on them like Piranhas if the stepped into the pool. The fight against the Gizara was perhaps a bit too easy. They were rolling high and despite having 14 Harm Boxes, the Chosen with his token sword magically enchanted with fire was doing on average 5 harm a hit (4 for the weapon, +1 for a move, +1 for vulnerability, -1 for its armor but ignoring its immortality trait). The Professional with his sniper rifle also did a good deal of damage and the Expert got a powerful shot off with his pistol. Only got a chance to pull one hard move off, the Flood Attack, which knocked 2 people out of the fight (Basically each player had to make a roll, if they failed they'ed take 2 harm and be swept away from the battle). Still the Gizara was on its last legs at that time and the Chosen finished it off with his sword. They then with the aid of the military destroyed all the eggs, thus defeating the beasts.

So hopefully that can get me the Action Scientist playbook in the future.

Re: How to get the Action Scientist or Exile playbooks
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2013, 07:58:51 PM »
Derkenfire, I've emailed you details for the action scientist (to the email you have attached to your account here).

I wouldn't worry about rapid level-ups, it's supposed to work that way (there's no per-scene restriction in MotW). It might be a sign you should be varying your moves a bit more, rather than calling for rolls, but that's something you can adjust to taste.



  • 18
Re: How to get the Action Scientist and other extra playbooks
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2015, 08:19:20 PM »
Hi Mike,

Is this offer still on? I ran Monster of the Week at Melbacon in Sydney earlier this year. Great game, the adventure was called The Wizard of Oz, and featured a reality-warping mutant attacking the HQ of Room 101, an X-Files-style department of ASIO operating out of the decommissioned RAAF base at Fairbairn in Canberra. The adventure split the party with one member of the team inside the reality storm, and the others arriving in response to an alert and trying to figure a way to communicate with their man inside and to get in to shut down the mutant. Gangs of fun, and I'm probably going to run it again later this year in Canberra.

Re: How to get the Action Scientist and other extra playbooks
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2015, 08:29:14 PM »
Yes, still on - I've sent you an email with a link for it. I did notice that I haven't updated the Action Scientist for the revised edition yet (this affects the experience section). I'll post here when I have a revised version for you.