I'm looking for a bit of advice.
You see, my players are extremely inventive and active. They're used to setting scenes, they know the rules of the game, they know the intent of the game, and they don't really need me, as MC, to be honest.
I was wondering if others had any experince running MonsterHearts sans MC? My idea was to borrow a page from Primetime Adventures and let players take turns setting scenes and let "out-of-scene" players handle the NPC's. I, myself, would play a character and npc's like the rest of them and simply act as rules arbitrator should that be needed (informed player, I believe the term is). I doubt it will be needed. My players are the sort who forget about xp, who find limitations fun, feel responsible for making things interesting, and will often back their opponent if they feel losing would be more fun (we usually play PtA).
Oh, by the way, they fired me as GM in Primetime Adventures. They said I was wasting my time playing bank, and would rather see me have fun as well.