Another DW newbie

  • 1 Replies
Another DW newbie
« on: June 17, 2012, 08:15:01 AM »
Just finished reading the DW beta ( thanks Adam for giving me access  ), looking very good - I feel even more justified in bumping my pledge for the softcover.
I was pretty much burnt out on fantasy rpgs, but this might just be rekindling the flame.

The classes seem solid, not sure if I want more spells available to the cleric and wizard, although I guess they should be pretty easy to add. The Druid looks like fun, wish I could play it but I'm always the dm :(.

The APs on the forum have helped a lot in my understanding ( thanks guys ), I may try and convince my wife to play a few sessions - we haven't done any 1 to 1 in an eternity. It does seem geared for more players, but someone ( can't remember who sorry ) did suggest bonds to other people / organisations - I'm thinking a church, local lord etc which should work just as well.




  • 777
Re: Another DW newbie
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2012, 11:06:00 PM »
G'day Brad, and Welcome!  :)
DW can work one on one, it just is a little more intense and intimate. As you rightly sumised, create bonds with NPCs and play them hard. Author in stuff together, keep the conversation flowing like a back and forth brainstorm, throwing in moves when the fiction kicks in and requires them. Say YES and.... a lot :)

Re-incorporate as much as you can, exhaust everything introduced in chargen and the first session rather than jsut adding endless details, otherwise the game gets a little overwhelming with possibility.

Have fun! Let us know how it goes!