Everyone can go to high school, or college, or Jackson's Pit, or wherever it is that kids go these days. Everyone looks just normal enough that they can pass for just a teenager.
Witches often dress like goths and pagans, and someone Actually saw Jemma bring a dead frog to school 1nce, OMG like for real. But Jemma can still go to algebra class without being burned alive or arrested.
Fae are often dainty, with narrow features. They often have this "rainbow child" thing about them, and According to Max, when he was dating Lilyth, she wanted to strip naked and fool around in the middle of the woods, like wtf, who does she think she is, Queen of the Hippy Sluts? But, fae can go to the movies on friday night, just like you and me. People are weirded out by Lilyth, and the other women view her as this unknowable threat, but whatever.
Mitch is a dumb jock. That's all there is to it. He must be taking some weird sort of steroids or something, because people often find crazy shed hair in his gym locker, like how can one person even grow that much hair?
So on.