Hey Quizoid, I've always had all the characters who actively 'make camp' and eat a ration make the move and on a hit they get to choose one of the options for the whole camp.
Like most moves though, its very easy to say 'we make camp' and make a roll. I really push for more detail. Invoke the setting, where are you? what routines do you do follow to prepare camp? How do you make the area 'safe'. Imbed this into the situation at hand and get lots of juicy hooks for failure from the players themselves.
On a failure, I get to make as hard a move I like, often tying it to the specific character: yes you eat a ration, yes you heal a little and here is this wonderfully evocative impending doom that awaits you. Or ask questions about a tension-ridden bond as the players natter around the campfire. 'So that time the thief stole your precious thing? How comfortable do you feel going to sleep while they are on watch?'
I love make camp, its a fantastically undervalued fictional move in my opinion :)