Not to be fucked with and AP ammo

  • 4 Replies
Not to be fucked with and AP ammo
« on: February 28, 2012, 03:49:26 AM »
Hey all, quick question.

We have a Gunlugger who has AP ammo and Bloodcrazed.

When he uses Not To Be Fucked With and does damage as a 3 harm small gang, is the damage AP? And does he also get the +1 from Bloodcrazed?

Re: Not to be fucked with and AP ammo
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2012, 04:17:23 AM »
Just do what the fiction demands. Is he going in guns blazing, shooting his AP ammo everywhere - then yeah, it's all AP damage. Is he instead hacking people to bits with his machete - then no he doesn't get AP.

Re: Not to be fucked with and AP ammo
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2012, 04:46:18 AM »
Thats where I am a bit confused. If he is using his weapons then shouldn't I use the harm value of his weapons rather than 3-harm?

Re: Not to be fucked with and AP ammo
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2012, 06:21:04 AM »
Thats where I am a bit confused. If he is using his weapons then shouldn't I use the harm value of his weapons rather than 3-harm?

My take:

If the gunlugger'd use them as they should, yeah, they'd do damage as established. But when they're not to be fucked with, they're a one-man-army, shooting left and right and above and behind and keeping their own ass from a lot of people's line of fire. 3-harm is the best they can do in that situation, and it's already pretty rad as is.

Now the player has the choice not to use NTBFW, deal their full damage as established and count as a sole person instead of a small gang. They're not going full throttle but they retain a modicum composture.



  • 1293
Re: Not to be fucked with and AP ammo
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2012, 11:21:34 AM »
My answer is yes AP and yes +1harm, straight up.

djmalloc, it's just because gangs' weapons work differently than individuals'. When you stat up a gang, you don't look up stats for its weapons in particular, you decide broadly and overall how good they are. I decided broadly and overall that the gunlugger has good weapons.

When you MC, you can have the NTBFW gunlugger use her actual weapon stats instead, if you want. Technically that'd be a custom move on your home front, but you probably wouldn't even bother writing it down.