If you have Weird highlighted you gain a ton of experience and Hx, right? Sorry I didn't make that clear, but my concern about experience was when someone has this move and also has Weird highlighted. If they don't have Weird highlighted that's not an issue.
I don't like the idea of a player making six moves in a row, either, and that's exactly my problem with this move. But it doesn't sound like a silver platter for me to make a move, to me. In fact if they are in a safe environment, there is nothing I see that suggests this move takes a lot of time, so why wouldn't it make complete sense for them to just use them more six times quickly, before addressing anything else?
To be more concrete, imagine we're back at the holding after a battle, and one of the player has taken six harm and is on death's door. I could let the healer make four moves to stabilize them, which doesn't sit right with me. I could make a move each time between each move- that doesn't make sense to me on a successful roll because they aren't looking for me to say anything, they know exactly what they want to do next. But suppose I do find an appropriate move. After that's resolved, they will return to healing the dying player, because otherwise they will die. If I make a move that prevents them from healing the dying player, I've ensured their death which doesn't sit right with me. If I make a move but they are able to return to healing afterwards, they are still making four rolls, and I've stretched out the amount of time it took and given the healer even more screen time, which seems like it only makes the problem worse.