When a bond is broken, abandoned, complete, or rendered moot.

  • 2 Replies
When a bond is broken, abandoned, complete, or rendered moot.
« on: August 06, 2011, 10:44:20 PM »
So, I was thinking about what happens when bonds with other PCs are broken, abandoned, completed, or rendered moot.  Surely, bonds are not forever.  I think they're probably there to get you started and create some initial relationship webbing.  Later, fiction may change even the strongest of bonds.  Hence:

When a bond is broken, abandoned, complete, or rendered moot, ask the player with whom you had the bond to choose one for you and one for them.
-Take 2 xp
-Write a new bond and take +/-1

I like it because you if you've screwed someone over, they get a chance to write a bond with you in retaliation and put themselves in a good position to interfere with you.  On the other hand, if things are good, then you both get something out of it.  Anyhow, just a thought.

Re: When a bond is broken, abandoned, complete, or rendered moot.
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2011, 03:06:04 PM »
You know I love this, since I mentioned a similar version elsewhere already as an alternative to "gain XP when you reach +/-4 with someone and reset to +/-1".

Allow me a quick rewrite for clarity:

When a bond is broken, abandoned, complete, or rendered moot, ask the player with whom you had the bond (the target player) to choose one for you and one for them. They can choose either item for each player.
- Remove the bond, adjust your total bond score with the target character, and take 2 XP.
- Write a new bond with the other character, at either +1 or -1, at the target player's choice.

Did I get that right? The typical options would be:

My character was slighted: I take 2 XP or give myself a +1 bond with you, and give you a -1 bond with me.
My character was happy with how things turned out: I take 2 XP or give myself a new +1 bond with you, and give you 2 XP or give you a new +1 bond with me.

The only issue is that making a move is a player's decision, and if you've slighted another character, you may not wish to make the move. However, one might argue that by doing the thing fictionally, any player (other player and GM included) may posit that you in fact made the move.

I like this move because it makes the fiction of the bond tangible and lends more impact to the internal party relationships.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2011, 04:53:47 PM by lachek »



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Re: When a bond is broken, abandoned, complete, or rendered moot.
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2011, 05:26:53 PM »
Those are some cool options! I like them.