So Apocalypse World is quite different from most other RPGs I've GMed in my time, and while I think my first session went pretty well, I wanted to throw a couple of the things that happened (particularly when and where I called for moves) to see if people think I was handling it right.
One event that actually had all of us a bit confused at first was when an attacker climbed inside Beemer's armored dump truck while he was on the road and got a knife the NPC passenger's throat. Beemer, of course, wanted to do something about this, and said how he was going to try to swerve the truck to throw the attacker off balance and get the knife away from him. This seemed to be a move, but we weren't really sure which one it was. We eventually settled on "acting under fire" with the "fire" being "does your passenger's throat get cut?" He succeeded with 10+ so I said the attacker was thrown almost completely back out of the window and dropped the knife.
While this was going on, Crille, a gunlugger was in the back of the truck. She had previously "read the sitch" and (among other things) identified a man a ways away on the side of the road, behind a hillock of trash, aiming a grenade launcher at the truck as the biggest threat. Due to Beemer jerking the truck around, I called for Crille to act under fire as she attempted to shoot the man. The player rolled a 7-9 so I told him, "Well, you can't shoot him before he fires. You can take him out too, or you can take cover before the grenade hits."
The above two I feel like I handled pretty well. This last one I feel pretty sure I missed a good opportunity.
Away from the action, back in a garage near the holding, the third PC, a savvyhead named Gears was supposed to be working on repairing a machine gun for the leader of the holding's gang. A couple of his thugs showed up and talked to him through a slot in the door, being loud and demanding and asking why the hell the gun wasn't fixed yet. I asked him if he wanted to "read" them. He did and asked what their intentions were, and I said they just planned to bully him a little. So he, of course, blew them off, saying "You'll get it when it's done."
Thinking about it later, I feel like I probably should have had them push harder and encouraged him to "manipulate" them, using the leverage of "I'm the only goddamn savvyhead, if you want shit fixed, you need to leave me alone to fix it."
Any thoughts, advice from the experts in the crowd?