Front=Prem​ise and Threat=The​me?

  • 1 Replies
Front=Prem​ise and Threat=The​me?
« on: May 27, 2011, 04:18:13 PM »
Caveat: probably painfully obvious to everyone else or I might just be way off-base, but…

Front = Premise?

Threat = Theme?

Or at least I like the idea of Fronts being the broad question(s) posed, and Threats being the individual unifying ideas for each question.

Not to say that Scarcity isn’t the overall Premise!



  • 342
Re: Front=Prem​ise and Threat=The​me?
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2011, 06:53:09 PM »
Hmmm. It's hard to game toward a theme, from the GM's end, in AW. I've tried it and it's never really worked out. I'd get to tied to my plans, not enough toward the PCs.

That said, I think you're on, but it's... organic. So front /=/ premise and threat/=/ theme, but later, after, you might see theme and meaning.

I don't know.
A player of mine playing a gunlugger - "So now that I took infinite knives, I'm setting up a knife store." Me - "....what?" Him - "Yeah, I figure with no overhead, I'm gonna make a pretty nice profit." Me - "......"