It's not exactly an issue and it's also kind of fun. But I'm playing in 2.5 PBP games, MCing another and MCing a face to face game. I made up a new list of names just to spread things out a bit:
4Square, Abraham, Albatross, All You Can Eat, Ambies, Andrei, Basil, Batman, Beam, Bear, Bonsai, Booker, Bowling Ball, Cantina, Chicken, Christmas, Chrome, Clarice, Clove, Cola, Cottontop, Diaper Genie, Digby, Doodad, Dumpster, Dynomite, Eager Beaver, Eclipse, Eel, Ellis, Ember, Exit Wound, Father, Fink, Floyd, Fort, Gone South, Grid Beam, Gung Ho, Gunship, Hammer, Hazel, Hot Cakes, Hubert, Hut, Incubus, Indigo, Ipso Facto, Ivan, Jellybean, Joy Ride, Jubjub Bird, Jupiter, Kangaroo, Key, Kill Switch, King, Kon-Tiki, Limbo, Lincoln, Lionheart, Lofty, Lolly Pop, Longjohn, Manhattan, Mary Lou, Mary-go-Round, Meta, Miss Daisy, Missy, Mona, Napoleon, Nick, Noah, North, Nosferatu, Notch, Old Lady, Otto, Oxford, Ozzy, Pecker, Pencil, Penny, Pepper, Pet Rock, Plank, Pop, Popeye, Porky, Possum, Power Strip, Purple, Queen Bee, Quicksilver, Raggedy Ann, Raven, Rebbel Yell, Red, Reginald, Ringo, Robot, Rockwell, Runway, Salvador, Sammich, Shaw, Sid, Slug, Snowball, Snyder, Softball, Sookie, Spelunky, Spike, Staple, Star, Star Wars, Stock, Storm, Thane, The Bomb, Tina, Tiny, Toady, Tooth, Tootie, Trudy, Twinkie, Umlaut, Uncle Tom, Vagabond, Venus, Wallace, Word, X, Yankee Doodle, Yellowstone, Zara, Zulu