
  • 9 Replies
« on: April 18, 2011, 01:13:22 PM »
If this had been a thread before, i couldn't find it. I've been enjoying the weird animals we're coming up with in our games, and I thought it would be cool to see what other folks have. Contribute and take at will!

Pigmaggots - Many-legged low-lying greasy fleshy things with small eyes and snouts. We had these in Alison's Alley, used for food (?) and oil for lamps.

Metal-phage Tunnel Snake - Huge segmented things with tri-laterally symmetrical mouths, crawling through the pit-mines following metal veins to devour. Some weird rudimentary mind and a hunger for metal.

Blink wolves - About the size of a St. Bernard. Covered with mottled green/brown fur, and has one large pupil-less eye that's highly reflective. Their bite leaves highly infectious and corrosive mold that, if left untreated, will kill the prey in a fairly painful and not nearly fast enough way. Not really mammals at all.

Giant boar - Fucking huge mutant wild boar.

Sliders - Like a really big, flattish slug with a leathery top skin / soft shell. Good for frying, but they slime up everything and leave sticky trails. They eat plants, and are not too picky. To keep them out of your garden, either hire a kid with a stick to spear them, or make a solid metal fence that's a foot or more tall with razor- or barbed-wire on top. Clean the wires off regularly. Sliders aren't smart.



  • 777
Re: Beastiary
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2011, 09:00:47 PM »
Eels - Not just your average mud sucking fish, but massive man-eating black shapes that slip through the corrosive waters like oil on glass. Greatly feared, and even tastier barbequed.

Tuskers - mutated wombats that have developed a taste for flesh, they've grown rather large too.

Re: Beastiary
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2011, 10:07:26 PM »
Mudfish were the larval phase of garbage eels, reminiscent of the trash monster in Star Wars.

Lobos, giant mutant wolf/coyote/dog creatures.

I never got to use the butterbloods, lovely butterflies who laid eggs that hatched into flesh-eating caterpillars.

Re: Beastiary
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2011, 03:27:09 AM »
So far we've seen :

• the six-legged giant rabbits. They aren't six-legged all the time, sometimes they have five, or seven, or so legs. They're pretty giants, though, for a rabbit. As long as an adult. The hold raise them for food.

• the mutant vine plant. It grows in the ruins of the old city. Some people get high by chewing its leaves. It's really a hivemind, and animals (including people) who eat it too much start acting weird, in a cryptic-but-coordinated fashion.

• the cats. That's how we call them anyways but nobody saw what they're really like. They purr and mieow all right, but they only hunt at night, where it's pitch black, and what they leave behind is a little pile of leftovers with scraches as wide as your knife blade. Yeah, the big-ass one.

• the pigeons. They seem normal but they look at you like they know something. They always come when it's gonna be interesting. They always leave before the real heat.

Re: Beastiary
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2011, 09:45:59 AM »
Razordillos are collie-sized armadillos with bladed segments all around.

Mandiboars are pretty intelligent, elephant-sized boars with insectoid mandibles.

In the game with those two, the setting is all about some crazy biological transformation wrought by Gaia (maybe) and there are many more super-bad-ass critters that we have yet to encounter.  It was sort of the defining seed for the world and it's turned out to be relatively minor in play.

Re: Beastiary
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2011, 12:59:50 PM »
Butterbloods sound terrifying. The name is so good.




  • 41
Re: Beastiary
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2011, 07:02:57 AM »
In my game, we had these cuties:

A Drake (also known as a Unicorn) is a large, slug-like creature with thick slimy skin and a single curved horn on its forehead. The Drake lives underground, and is compelled to attack heavy vehicles. Fortunately for the drivers, it is quite rare, and usually stays off the main roads. (3-harm, 2-armor).

When a Drake attacks your vehicle from below, +cool. The driver may add their car's power to the roll. On 10+, the drake damages one of the following components. On 7-9, two:
* Brakes
* Fuel injection / gas tank
* Coolant
* A/C or ventilation system
* Tires
On a miss, get out of the car NOW, or suffer fiery consequences.

Red Fuckers are a swarm of red bugs that somehow derived from the cleaning nanobots that destroyed the large cities, and they use organic material to create more and more of them.  They appear out of nowhere, descend like locusts upon a tract of the desert - inhabited or otherwise, and leaves it a mass of sticky grey goo. (0-armor, 1-harm, ap, swarm).

When navigating through an unprovoked swarm of Red Fuckers, you are acting under fire, with the inherent danger of getting stalled, lost, or provoking the Red Fuckers.

When the Red Fuckers are buzzing all around and are out to get you, roll +cool. The driver may add its car's power to the roll. On a 10+, choose 2. On 7-9, choose 1.
* You can escape the bug-cloud.
* You and your vehicle suffer no harm.
* The swarm does not increase in size.
* The swarm provides perfect concealment.

Dog-rats are large, domesticated rats the size of a small dog that serve the holds both as livestock and sanitation system. When attacked, they prefer running away to fighting back (1-harm, 0-armor).

Re: Beastiary
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2011, 08:11:02 PM »
Remnants of a world with superheroes means some pretty weird stuff. So far, it;'s been mostly bio-engineered gangs and scary lost tech that have plagued the PCs, but they recently ran into Trolls.

Trolls are sulfur-tinted humanoids roughly 3 feet tall. They live in the tunnels and sewers under the city and seem to be working at the behest of a human master. They're some kind of artificial or alien mineral-based life forms. They need visions protection in sunlight, but can see perfectly well in total darkness, and are capable of following simple instructions, like driving little go-carts packed with explosives.

Re: Beastiary
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2011, 02:33:50 PM »
Living host to the blister virus. They look bigger than normal and rust colored blister boils all over their body. Their skin looks like it's pulled taught over it's body.

Whenever you inflict terrible harm or kill a Blistered thing their boils burst and you can get infected if the puss touches your skin. Roll Hard to resist. We used a countdown clock and 12 was the infected went insane from the pain and went berserk.

Re: Beastiary
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2011, 01:27:36 PM »
 Blood oxen - the protein source for the hardhold. Stick-thin - no meat on 'em - but covered in blood -blisters that are lanced and harvested to make yummy coagulated patties.