Goblin World

  • 9 Replies
Goblin World
« on: February 02, 2011, 06:50:25 AM »
I've found myself with a 10+ in Leisure lately, so I wrote this hack today. This is a complete but not playtested hack, but I see it more of a draft for the full humanoid fantasy hack I want to write.

For the full hack I'd add Orcs, Ogres, Trolls etc and incorporate some of the ideas I've been toying with for D&D.

Very keen to get some comments and suggestions.


Lurk: How sneaky and stealthy your goblin is.
Quick: How cunning and clever your goblin is.
Size: How big and strong your goblin is, compared to other goblins.
Toad: How good your goblin is at getting what they want from others.

Hit Points (HP) = 4 + Size. At zero HP you are unconscious, and will wake up if healed or otherwise when and if the MC says. At -5 HP you are dead.

Mark experience when:
- You use your one highlighted Stat (chosen at the start of each session by the PC whose name is on your list the most).
- When you repay / revenge something on your list and cross it off.
- When you give birth to Pups.
- When you make the killing blow on something big (8+ HP) or a Cat.
- When a move says you do.

The Master: This game assumes that the pecking order between goblins is critical, but that unlike chickens the pecking order is very fluid. A goblin is "the Master" if it has a emotional or physical advantage over another at that time.
- Two or more characters can be the Master, but only one can be the Master if they compete or fight using a move.
- Several moves allow characters to become the Master. If the move says you are now the Master, then the other character involved in the move is no longer the Master.
- You sometimes need to choose between moves depending on who is the Master. If both combatants are the Master or neither are, you may need to see who is the Master which means you should make a Dominance move immediately. For example, the moves Survive Master's Punishment and Punish a Minion are specifically designed so PCs can roll them against each other, one as the Master and one not. (The peripheral move <<<Removed>>> is also rolled by each PC and although doesn't require a Master, but there my be a fight afterwards to see who is.)

The List: Every goblin keeps a list of those who have wronged him. See the section below for ideas.
- Add five PC names to the list at the start of play, and one more after each session.
- When you roll+List, roll and add the number of times the other PC's name appears on the list below.
- Once you have a PC's name written three times, you cannot write it again until you have repaid / revenged one of the things already on the list.
- The PC with their name on your list the most times chooses your highlighted Stat for that session. Roll off if there is a tie.


Apprentice Shaman
Lurk +1, Quick +2, Size -1 and Toad +0
Lurk +0, Quick +2, Size +1 and Toad -1
Lurk -1, Quick +2, Size +0 and Toad +1
Starting: You start with one move from the list below
- Healing Touch: When you heal someone, roll+Toad. On a 10+ they heal 3 Hit Points. On a 7-9 they heal 1 Hit Point. On a 6 or less the Ancients might be angry...
- Point the Bone: When you curse someone, roll+Quick. On a 10+ they take -1 ongoing until you or another Shaman removes the curse. On a 7-9 they take -1 forward. On a 6 or less the Ancients might be angry... You can also use this move to remove the curse put on by another Shaman by rolling a 7+.
- Protection of the Ancients: +1 Armour.
- Vessel of Power: Roll+Quick to Dominate.
- Or choose from the Goblin Moves below.

Lurk +2, Quick +1, Size -1 and Toad +0
Lurk +2, Quick +0, Size +1 and Toad -1
Lurk +2, Quick -1, Size + and Toad +1
Starting moves:
- Assassin: When use use poison, deal +1 additional damage.
- Get Away: Name your escape route and roll+Quick. On a 10+ you're gone. On a 7-9 you can stay or go, but if you go it costs you: leave something behind, or take something with you.
- Light Fingers: When you use Backstab or Survive Master's Punishment, you can always take something small.
- Skulker: When you deal damage with the Backstab move, deal +2 damage.
- Or choose from the Goblin Moves below.

Chieftain's Pup
Lurk +1, Quick +0, Size -1 and Toad +2
Lurk -1, Quick +1, Size +0 and Toad +2
Lurk +0, Quick -1, Size +1 and Toad +2
Starting: You start as the Master and with 2 extra cp, and then choose one Move below.
- Dirty Backstabber: You may provide a -3 penalty instead of -2 when you hinder using Hinder Another.
- Sound Ally: You may provide a +2 bonus instead of +1 when you help using Hinder Another.
- Taunt: Roll+Toad to Dominate.
- Observant: When you successfully Size Them Up, you can always ask "what is your character hiding?".
- Or choose from the Goblin Moves below.

Lurk +1, Quick -1, Size +2 and Toad +0
Lurk +0, Quick +1, Size +2 and Toad -1
Lurk -1, Quick +0, Size +2 and Toad +1
Starting: You start with a Knife and one move from the list below.
- Bloodcrazed: Whenever you deal damage, deal +1 damage.
- Brute: +1 Hit Point.
- Scarred: +1 Armour.
- This is My Knife: Choose one weapon. No-one can ever take that weapon from you.
- Or choose from the Goblin Moves below.

Goblin Moves:
- Sneaky: +1 Lurk.
- Cunning: +1 Quick.
- Fat: +1 Size.
- Smooth: +1 Toad.
- Multi-skilled: Take a move from one of the other Careers.
- Cave Leader or Shaman: Choose this move if you become the Cave Leader or Cave Shaman or one of their Assistants and add 1 HP.
- Sub-Chief / Blood Shaman: Choose this move if you become the Sub-Chief or Blood Shaman or one of their Bodyguards and add +1 Size.
- Chief / War Shaman: Choose this move if you become the Chief, War Shaman or one of their Bodyguards, add +4 HP and think how you want to end the game.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2020, 05:56:36 PM by wightbred »

Re: Goblin World
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2011, 06:52:57 AM »

Cower Before Master (Toad)
When you try to get your way by toadying, cowering, flattering, blathering or whining, roll+Toad.
- 10+ They are the Master now, and you hold 2.
- 7-9 They are the Master now, and you hold 1.
- On a miss, they are the Master now, you are added to their list and they hold 1 over you on the exact same terms.
They can spend your hold, 1 for 1, by:
- Giving you something small you want
- Letting you borrow something of any size you want for the session
- Letting you into their plans by answering a single question for you
- Fighting to protect you from someone the are the Master of or more senior to
For NPCs, you take +1 ongoing against them while you have hold over them. For PCs, if they spend hold they also mark experience.

Dominate (Size)
When you try to get your way by shouting, pushing, threatening or intimidating someone, roll+Size. If two PCs roll against each other only the higher roll applies, and both roll again on a tie.
- 10+ You are the Master now, and you hold 2.
- 7-9 You are the Master now, and you hold 1.
- On a miss, they are the Master now, you are added to their list and they hold 1 over you on the exact same terms.
They can spend your hold, 1 for 1, by:
- Giving you something of any size that you want
- Acting as your eyes and ears
- Fighting to protect you
- Doing something you tell them to
For NPCs, you take +1 ongoing against them while you have hold over them. For PCs, if they spend hold they also mark experience.

Sneak (Lurk)
When you try to get an advantage over someone by stealth or sneak somewhere roll+Lurk.
On 10+ Choose 3.
On 7-9 Choose 2.
- You are the Master now
- No-one saw you
- Steal something of any size
- You are hiding in wait and can Backstab them

Size Them Up (Quick)
When you try to read a situation or people, roll+Quick. On a hit you can ask the MC or other players questions about their characters. Whenever you act on these answers take +1.
On 10+ Ask 3.
On 7-9 Ask 1.
- Where is my best escape route?
- Who is the most vulnerable to me?
- Who is the biggest threat?
- Who is the Master here?
- Is your character telling the truth?
- What is your character hiding?
- What does your character intend to do?

Hinder Another (List)
When you try to hinder (or help) another character who is making a roll, roll+List. On a hit, they take +1 (help option 1) or -2 (hinder) now or +1 damage after their roll (help option 2). On a 7-9 you also expose yourself to damage, danger, retribution or cost.


Backstab (Lurk)
When you attack someone who is not expecting it or is asleep or you attack from hiding, Roll+Lurk. You never take damage if you attack this way.
10+ Choose 3
7-9 Choose 2
- You are the Master now
- You deal damage
- If you dealt damage, deal +1 damage
- You steal something small from them

Survive Master's Punishment (Toad)
When the Master tries to harm you or take something away from you, roll+Toad.
10+ Choose 2
7-9 Choose 1
- You are the Master now
- You deal damage
- You take little damage (-1 damage)
- You steal something small from the Master
- The Master can't take anything from you
- You get away

Punish a Minion (Size)
When you are the Master and you try to harm someone or take something from them, roll+Size.
10+ Choose 3
7-9 Choose 2
- You are still the Master
- You deal damage
- If you dealt damage, deal +1 damage
- You take no harm
- You take something of any size from them


<<<Move deleted>>>
« Last Edit: June 18, 2020, 05:36:23 AM by wightbred »

Re: Goblin World
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2011, 06:57:39 AM »

_________ stole from me.
_________ lied to me.
_________ beat me.
_________ branded me.
_________ tortured me.
_________ cheated me.
I owe _________ 1 copper.
_________ is too lazy.
_________ is too clever.
_________ is too strong.


Start with 5 copper pieces (cp) to spend on gear.

Something small is a weapon that does 3 damage or less, a copper piece or anything else the MC agrees.

Axe or Hatchet (4 damage, 5cp)
Caltrops (2 damage, area, 1 use only, 3 cp)
Cleaver (4 damage, messy, 4cp)
Club (2 damage, free)
Crossbow (4 damage, 12cp)
Dagger or Knife (3 damage, 2cp)
Faery Bow (2 damage, Valuable, AP, 20cp)
Faery Special Arrow (1 use only, as Faery bow, but if they cause any damage the target is put to sleep, 10cp)
Needles (2 damage, infinite, 1cp)
Short Sword (4 damage, Valuable, 10cp)
Sling (3 damage, 3cp)
Stinky Rock Sling Stone (2 damage, and if you cause damage You are the Master, 1cp)
Stinger Poison (+1 damage, 1 use only, 3cp)
Whip (2 damage, and if you cause damage You are the Master, 4cp)

Itchy Padded Cloth, Sticky Fur or Scratchy Leather (1 Armour, 2cp)
Tarnished Copper Plates (2 Armour, 5cp)
Cooking Pot or Wooden Shield (+1 Armour, can only use a small weapon with this, 3cp)

Bandages (Heals 2 HP, 2 uses only, 4cp)
Rancid meat, rotten biscuits or turned fruit (Heals 1 HP, 1 use only, 1 cp)
Red Powder (+1 Quick, 1 use only, valuable, 5cp)
Soft leather "elvish" boots (+1 Lurk, valuable, 30cp)


The real threats are may be the other goblins but you need other enemies for them to oppose on the missions their Cave Leader sends them on or when they try for political advancement. All threats start as "the Master", unless otherwise noted. For all of these I've just modified 2nd Edition D&D monsters, but you can easily use 3rd or just wing it. Monsters can gang up, which gives them +1 damage per helping monster.

Missions from their Cave Leader:
- "Go to the human farm and steal two sheep for the feast."
- "Your stupid raid has stirred up the humans. Join the assault on the heroes in the caves."
- "We are at war with the Kobolds / Orcs / Faeries, and you need to scout the edge of the forest."
- "Cave Leader Balag is stealing from me. Go and rough up one of his Bodyguards."
- "Blood Shaman Rolig has cursed me with the Bludy Fluxx. Travel to the human village to bring back mead for the cure."

Mighty Goblins:
- War Chief and their Bodyguards (12 HP, Armour 3, Short Sword 4)
- War Shaman (11 HP, Armour 2, Axe 4 messy, can use these moves without rolling: Healing Touch for 2 HP and Point the Bone to give -1 ongoing)
- Worg (15 HP, Natural Armour 2, Bite 5)

Senior Goblins:
- Sub-Chief and their Bodyguards (8 HP, Armour 3, Axe 4 messy)
- Blood Shaman (7 HP, Armour 1, Dagger 3, can use these moves without rolling: Healing Touch for 3 HP and Point the Bone to give -1 ongoing)
- Wolf (12 HP, Natural Armour 1, Bite 3)

Local Goblins:
- Cave Leader and their Assistants (7 HP, Armour 2, Knife 3)
- Cave Shaman (6 HP, Armour 1, Dagger 3, can use these moves without rolling: Healing Touch for 1 HP and Point the Bone to take -1 forward)
- Goblin Warrior (4 HP, Armour 1, Knife 3, doesn't start as the Master)

- Cleric (8+ HP, Armour 2, Too Big Mace 4, can use these moves without rolling: Healing Touch for 4 HP and Point the Bone to give -1 ongoing)
- Fighter (12+ HP, Armour 3, Too Big Sword 5)
- Thief (6+ HP, Armour 1, Dagger 3, deals 5 damage when they are the Master)
- Wizard (4+ HP, Too Big Staff 3, can use these moves without rolling: Point the Bone to give -1 ongoing and once only Magic Missile for 6 damage)
- Henchmen (4 HP, Armour 1, Dagger or Torch 3)

- Orc (6 HP, Armour 2, Too Big Axe 5 messy)
- Kobold (2 HP, Armour 1, Spiked Clubs 2, doesn't start as the Master)
- Faery (2 HP, Natural Armour 3, Needle 2, Faery Bow as above and three special arrows)

- Cat (4 HP, Natural Armour 2, Bite and Claws 4, always the Master)
- Dog (12 HP, Bite 4)
- Farmer (4 HP, 1 Armour, Too Big Axe 4 messy)
- Rat (1 HP, Bite 1 damage, doesn't start as the Master)
- Giant Rat (3 HP, Bite 2 damage)
- Sheep (7 HP, Natural Armour 2, Bite 2, doesn't start as the Master)

Re: Goblin World
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2011, 07:31:38 PM »
Love. LOVE!

Maybe I'll do a layout for it. Is that cool?

Re: Goblin World
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2011, 08:36:25 PM »
Thanks John - very much appreciated. Yeah, I just started typing yesterday and it flowed.

I'm trying to get an artist I know to do some pictures, but happy for anyone to lay it out if they want.

Be warned that I'm still fine-tuning it and I haven't play-tested it yet. For example I'm thinking about pulling in some ideas from these threads so you can rampage with a warband:
- http://apocalypse-world.com/forums/index.php?PHPSESSID=lbhgjlaf6jeft3sf1t1i1jh1mkee652g&topic=1081.0
- http://apocalypse-world.com/forums/index.php?PHPSESSID=lbhgjlaf6jeft3sf1t1i1jh1mkee652g&topic=661.0

Re: Goblin World
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2011, 09:20:31 PM »
This looks fun.  I'm interested.

Re: Goblin World
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2011, 08:12:26 PM »
Played this last night w/ Wightbred as MC and it was so much fun it was ridiculous.  The Master/Toad mechanic in particular really nails the goblinoid society (well the way I saw it anyway).

I'm now inspired for the artwork Wightbred so I'll get doodling.

Re: Goblin World
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2011, 09:42:53 PM »
Ran our first playtest last night, and as Epic Fail notes we were very happy with how it ran.

Note that we are using a slightly updated version that includes new goblinoid races (Hobgoblins and Bugbears) and new careers (the quick Skirmisher and the heavily armoured Armiger). Will try an post a revised version of this next week, but have added the key new moves you need to play at the bottom.

The PCs:
- Gerturde the Goblin Blackblade, played by Epic Fail
- Bugsy the Goblin Skirmisher, played by Jim
- Brooza the Hobgoblin Armiger, played by GT

The game (fiction):
- Ran around and did the list which worked great. It emerged from this that Gertrude was a male and Brooza was not a good judge of goblin gender.
- Started with Cave Leader Blerch (need a list of NPC names badly) ordering the PCs to bring back two sheep from a nearby farm for the feast. A round of successful Dominate (Brooza) and Cowering (Gertrude and Bugsy) resulted in Brooza being appointed mission leader, Bugsy being forced to take point and Bugsy knowing why the feast was happening (Sub-Chief coming to visit).
- The raid was interesting. Brooza sent the others down to scope the farm and they happily pursued their own looting options. Eventually Brooza grabbed a sheep and ran off and Gertrude rode out of the farm on another sheep. They were hotly persued by a dog who tore into Brooza before he and Bugsy could kill it. They ran off just before the farmers arrived.
- Meanwhile Gertrude lost his sheep into the briar patch trying to turn around and help them. When the others arrived he failed epically to cover this. They tried to scare out the sheep, but failed and Bugsy jumped up a tree rather than face the cat that emerged instead of the sheep. Brooza came around and ran around with the cat all over his head before the others could help him kill it.
(Aside: Why did I put cats in for special mention? Because in some additions of D&D a house cat could kill a goblin in one round with its claw/claw/bite+rake attack. The players took to this, and now apparently goblins hate cats and want to make hats out of them.)
- They tried to get the sheep out of the briars, but spotted some other humanoids (see kobolds later) and ran-off.
- They took the live sheep and dead dog and the cat back to the cave and after some shouting (Dominate) and some toadying (Cower) they convinced Blerch this was an acceptable result.
- Next day Sub-Chief Langi (need name sheet!) arrived and Bugsy impressed him with the wine he had stolen from the farm. But Langi was annoyed that the Kobolds across the valley were also eating mutton for dinner (the sheep in the briars above). Desperate to impress Blerch sent the players to show the kobolds who was in charge .
- Brooza had to find the reluctant Gertrude to take him, and they stumbled into the Shaman’s area of the cave in the hunt. They were seconded to the Shaman’s use once they returned. They successfully ambushed and killed four kobolds, and returned to further impress Langi.
- Gertrude wasn’t interested in the back-slapping so reported to the Shaman who showed him in a dirty scrying bowl that heroes were coming through the forest to the cave and ordered him to tell Blerch. Langi discovered an urgent appointment elsewhere and told Blerch to handle it. Gertrude cowered to Blerch and convinced him to send the players.
- Deducing that the sheep had caused this, they came up with an excellent plan of using the wool Bugsy had just mended his cloak with to lure the heroes to the kobold’s cave. This worked brilliantly, and the players used their success to entice some of their tribe over to the vacant cave and set Bugsy up as leader of the new cave.
- Bugsy found what was left of the Kobolds treasure (7cp), but before he could even turn around Gertrude had stolen it.
- 2d6 weeks later Brooza had 4 pups (whelps), so it really was a happy ending.

- Really felt like they were playing goblins. Afterwards we though that two mechanics did this: Dominate / Cower and the Master combined with the Punish / Survive. Dominate and Cower were often used together by the players and on each other, which made everything they did feel like it was because they had been forced or tricked into doing it. The Master mechanic reminded everyone all the time to think about who was in charge.
- GT had a fake Olympic medal which he put on every time he was the Master which worked really well as a reminder for everyone. Will get more of these next time.
- Players did a great job with descriptions, but need to add “look” elements to make this easier.
- One player put an NPC on their list. This worked well so it is a thing now so might get everyone to describe another goblin in the tribe at the start to get this moving, and (although I didn’t let them in the game) I’m thinking I will also let them roll+List vs NPCs. Maybe could get them to describe the cave as well, using hold type descriptions. Also might add “I am going to have ____________’s pups” to the list.
- Careers worked great. Gertude (Blackblade) for example seemed to sneak almost everywhere which suits the career to a “T”.
- Races worked great. With their new racial power to get away after Survive the goblins felt appropriately slippery, and the Hobgoblin was bigger and tougher but only reasonably so.
- Combat was appropriately deadly.
- They leveled much, much too quickly. This was mostly because of all the use of Dominate and Cower against each other, but this fits the theme so perfectly I wouldn’t change it. We moved to 10 experience per level after they got to level 3. Will start at 10 next time and see how it goes.
- We tweaked a few rules as we went, but nothing major. We did discover a couple of needed basic moves which are below.
- Overall it was brilliant, and I can’t wait to play again.

Two additional Basic Moves:

Smash and Grab (Size)
When you smash something and/or try to take something, roll+Size. Getting the force just right is challenging, so 10+ is a worse result than 7-9. On 10+ choose 2, and on 7-9 choose 3:
- You are the Master
- You take something of any size
- It doesn’t take very long
- Nothing of value is damaged
- It doesn’t make a lot of noise

Picture a goblin on a raid kicking a door or smashing a chest and grabbing something or trying to snatch something from another goblin starting a tug-of-war that roams around the cave and you will see how the above move works. Note in the moves “take” means they know who’s done it and “steal” doesn’t. Might allow them to add you to the List immediately if you “take” something from them.

Do Something Tricky (Quick)
When you do something dangerous or clever that is not covered by another move, roll+Quick. On a 10+ you do it and you are the Master. On a 7-9 you flinch, hesitate, or stall: the MC can offer a worse outcome, a hard bargain, or an ugly choice.

This covers the missing general trickiness gap, pulling stunts and a lot of Do Something Under Fire (which it is almost exactly like).

One additional Basic Combat Move:

Seize the Initiative (Quick)
When two characters are fighting and both or neither are the Master, roll+Quick. If two PCs are rolling against each other, only the higher result occurs, ignore the other.
On 10+ you are the Master, they are not and you take +1 forward.
On 7-9 you are the Master and they are not.
On a miss they are the Master and you are not.

This move is needed to stop Size-based characters dominating combat. We were using Dominate to determine who is the Master, but this gives hold and uses the same stat (Size) as Punish so it wasn’t really working.

Re: Goblin World
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2011, 08:31:06 PM »
Epic Fail asked me the other day if this hack is for comedy or real for his design. I think both: comedy for a one-shot, but you might be able to get something AW like from the fundamental scarcities and goblin politics.

A potential back cover below:

Something is wrong with the world, and you know exactly what it is: everyone hates you.

It used to be better in the shining copper age of legend but the Earthcutting Sunlovers and the other evil tribes stuffed it up. Now this is what we’ve got: you sleep in water and filth; you get some rotten biscuits to eat if you’re lucky; you only get to go outside so the Sunlover Butchers can kill you; the only weapon you have is a rusty knife; all your so-called allies are all on ‘The List’; and the Cave Leader whips you if you complain.

But you can fight back! Raiders loot and pillage the Sunlovers farms. Marauders charge in and cut down Scary Forestlurkers before they can sing their cursing song. Thieves sneak in quietly behind the Goldkissing Longbeards and snatch their purses as they slit their throats. Skirmishers rush in before the Fatbelly Hairytoes can swallow the food in their gobs and are back out the door before they can scream. Extortionists sit back quietly and rake in the coppers. Shamans curse them all with the power of the Ancients.

This is what we’ve got, yes. But what are you going to take and hide for yourself?

Re: Goblin World
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2011, 02:58:00 PM »
I like it. Fuck dem Fatbellies. Right in da gob.