I'm going to start my first AW campaign Sunday night, and I have a question that has been nagging at me. What do people do with the Give 1 Barter = 10+ success at Manipulate rule?
I've read over the last month or so, I think, every single comment thread in this area and I still don't feel comfortable with this one rule. I don't have much of a problem with PvP use, because the player can always refuse, but using it on NPCs just doesn't seem right. For example, and to amp up the situation described in another thread, "Hey Keeler, I know you love your mother more than your own life, but here's one barter -- punch your mother in the face, and then stick this BBQ fork through her ear so it comes out the other side."
What do y'all think if I rule that 1 (or more) Barter must still be enough leverage to be tempting to the target based on what is requested? Is that what everyone else does, or is there another way to do it that doesn't break the fiction?