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Messages - Anaphory

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Apocalypse World / Re: The faceless at cons
« on: June 24, 2013, 07:45:41 PM »
Now having sent off the notice to the organizers of that con that I'll run Apocalypse World on Rubicon SommerCon, Osnabrück, Germany, end of July, and considering to offer the faceless, could I please get that one sent by email?

My plan is to ask if people want to be (mostly) a crew or the core of a cult, and then offer either Operator* – Brainer – Battle Babe – Skinner – Driver – Savyhead or Hocus – Faceless – Angel – Skinner – Battle Babe – Brainer. Each has two WEIRD-playbooks, because I want the Maelstrom more present than in the first AW games I MC'd, even going so far as to take „Mahlstrom“ as the title of the session. Furthermore I decided to break the rules and create a potential Despair-Front involving a Slaver who lost someone he loved and is looking for a replacement since and a Family who have a secret technique to “dive” the Maelstrom.

*)Although from looking at the playbook which still is in some google cache, I think I'd prefer the Maestro D'. The operator seems in theory a good playbook, but I still don't really get on with it personally. In which case I'd probably replace the Driver by the Gunlugger.

Apocalypse World / Re: Interesting Place Names
« on: May 09, 2013, 10:04:39 AM »
The hardhold of Colonel is called You Sir Force's Pendleton, and the two symbols of the local god You Sir Force, which can be seen in many places in the hold, are a single white star on top of a stripe of bacon, and pieces of cloth showing one quarter sky and three quarters bacon, therefore he must be a god of sky and bacon, so he is prayed to for rain and good pig hunts.

Apocalypse World / Re: German translation
« on: April 28, 2013, 06:20:51 PM »
Rubicon SommerCon in Osnabrück ( – Any particular reason for asking?

Apocalypse World / Open/LibreOffice Playbook template (a4 paper)
« on: April 27, 2013, 12:05:35 AM »
I just finished building the angel playbook as a odt (OpenOffice/LibreOffice) file. It's A4 and I haven't put Vx's copyright message in yet (sorry) and use Utopia instead of the other bread type, but you can find it anyway on May be useful for people wanting to build their own pbs without fancy stuff like Scribus or Adobe software. It's currently obviously is a copyright infringement, so if I don't get any absolution, I'll vanish it again, but I hope it's acceptable for the cause.

Apocalypse World / German translation
« on: April 25, 2013, 06:21:18 PM »
I plan to run AW on a con in Germany in July. Since some of the expected audience are not very firm in English, possibly even less so for something heavily idiomatic like, I want to have playbooks in German.

Has anybody done that job yet?
I'll probably do it myself otherwise, but if anybody has done preliminary work, I'll be happy to build on it. I won't get started for a bit, as I don't have much time at the moment – writing this only right now because I'm waiting for a batch job to finish, and then it's back into the fray – but do people have good ideas for translations of special terminology, like "spend hold"?

Apocalypse World / Re: Search And Seizure custom move
« on: April 24, 2013, 11:39:53 AM »
I had stumbled into before, but that page gives me absolutely no clues as to if moves are good and interesting and stuff and why/why not. The thread has mostly the same problem, and is less structured.

One of my options concerns mostly the people you are suspicious about being alarmed, the other one is about bystanders that might think that the Hardholder has gone too far this time. I was aiming for a split between these two, giving him a choice of priorities.

Apocalypse World / Search And Seizure custom move
« on: April 23, 2013, 09:31:32 PM »
There seems to be no canonical place where Apocalypse World custom moves are collected in a nice format with easy searching, sorting, rating and feedback. (Is there?) I want some of the latter on one of mine, so please tell me everything that's wrong with the following move (I'm very sure the phrasing can be improved; but to what?) I made for the Hardholder in my campaign:

Search and Seizure
When you take go through the stuff in somebody's shelter, roll +sharp. On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7–9, choose 1.
  • You find something valuable, worth 1-barter.
  • You find something interesting, possibly incriminating. Mark +1 Hx.
  • You are subtle about it.
  • You make sure that everybody getting the scent of it knows it was just the reasonable thing to do, nothing to be upset about.

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