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Messages - arscott

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brainstorming & development / Re: Wayward Sons
« on: September 23, 2013, 05:36:34 AM »
I love your "Investigate" move.  It's a definite improvement on the Tremulus version.  I might actually steal it for when I run Tremulus in a few weeks.

I'm not sure exactly where you're going with "Fight".  It looks like you're trying to combine "seize by force" and "go aggro" into one.  Those moves are pretty specific to the way violence works in AW, and are out of place elsewhere (*cough* tremulus *cough*).  I don't think combining them into one really changes their nature.  I'd think carefully about how exactly you want violence to work in your game (which will take some narrowing-down.  Violence in Supernatural works differently than violence in the X files which is different than violence in horror movies)  If you haven't seen it already, look at the "lash out" move in MonsterHearts--it's very different, and perfect for that setting.

I think Instinct should come with a list of questions... but that doesn't mean you need to write that list right away.  Maybe play as is for a bit, see which questions end up getting asked, and then write your list.

Monsterhearts / Re: Monsterhearts on roll20
« on: September 07, 2013, 12:36:18 PM »
I'd love to play, if the timing was right.  Thursday and Saturday work best for me.

Monsterhearts / Re: Meet the Succubus
« on: September 02, 2013, 03:21:08 AM »
It's definitely because of the shapechange move. This is the only skin that I've seen that directly spoke to me on the gender side of things. Most importantly, it made me wonder if a gender-confused teen would sell their soul for the chance to transform into the body they wished they were born into.
Have you seen the Cuckoo from second skins?  They're shapechangers who change only by stealing the identities of others.  I have a feeling you'd have fun with that skin.

Monsterhearts / Re: Meet the Succubus
« on: September 01, 2013, 12:20:05 AM »
Aaaaaand, getting this thread back on topic, what would be ways to address that? I don't want to criticize Ernesto in his own thread, but if we're theorizing ways to improve or rejigger the skin, what would be concerns? I'm seeing a.) Too many powers and b.) The core gifts mechanic doesn't have any consequences for either the Succubus or the gift getter (who should ideally receive those consequences?). Or, should we move discussion on creating a different version of this great skin to another thread and let the author have full reign here?

As for the Incubus, I don't want to be the rough rock star. I actually think the powers are decent, but don't want to start off with the outwardly confident and sexy vibe.
I think the fundamental problem with this skin is that there's not a real teenager behind it--all good skins have a teenager at their core that the monstrous trappings are meant to represent.  It's not that I think this skin lacks that teenager--clearly there's someone inside the skin.  I just think that someone is not a very real person.

You mentioned that you wanted to use it to explore gender confusion.  Is that just because of the shapechange move?  Or do you see other aspects of the skin that would help in that exploration--because focusing on those might give us a more real teenager under that skin to work toward.

I also don't like that the succubus sex move is about the mechanics of sex.  That, for me at least, is on the wrong side of the veil--and not for any good reason that I can see.

Monsterhearts / Re: Forcing people into/out of Darkest Self?
« on: August 31, 2013, 04:56:01 PM »
I'd have a hard time with a move that could force someone out of their darkest self--Darkest Selves are only interesting when you're allowed to stay in them for more than a few minutes, and the escape clauses say something about the character.  Any skin move you create should take quite a bit of time and/or have costs or consequences that reveal something about the characters.

I'm more okay with moves that cause someone to become their darkest selves--after all, the mortal has one.  But you might give it as one of a number of options, just like lash out physically, hex casting, and the death move do.

Monsterhearts / Re: Meet the Succubus
« on: August 31, 2013, 04:38:05 PM »
You might have a tough time convincing your GM.  I'd argue that the succubus is one of the most broken skins ever.  Not because its moves are mechanically powerful, per se.  But it breaks the fundamental nature of the game--That there's a fixed amount of happiness, and that if you're gaining, someone else is losing.  A MH succubus that makes people better by fulfilling their desires is the equivalent of an Apocalypse World Character that doesn't need to eat or drink.

In short, it's not feral

Have you seen he Incubus?  It's clearly based on the succubus but full of trade-offs and consequences.  Plus, rock and roll band.

Monsterhearts / Re: Skin: the (alternative) Mortal
« on: August 21, 2013, 05:45:53 PM »
It's also worth noting that Second Skins has "the neighbor", which seems to structured along these same lines

brainstorming & development / Re: Kung Fu Fighting
« on: August 02, 2013, 08:59:54 AM »
I put together an AW hack based on The Book of Nine Swords, which combines Wuxia with classic Dungeons and Dragons tropes.  Check it out here.

Monsterhearts / Re: 6 New MH skins up on Kickstarter
« on: May 23, 2013, 11:15:39 PM »
He's also posted a revised version of the Selkie.

This backstory and the "Their Word" move have both been tweaked in ways that I think will make the pelt come into play more.  It certainly would have helped one of the issues with my selkie character:  that the player who started with the pelt never used it against me.

Monsterhearts / Re: New Skin: The Editor
« on: May 19, 2013, 08:55:20 PM »
Wow.  There's a lot of wonderfulness there.  Damning Evidence is particularly delicious.

There are places where I find myself wondering what's going on in the fiction with a particular move:

With Rumor mill, do your words literally reshape reality?  If so, say that explicitly in the move.  If not, then maybe have it work as a condition.

Sticks and stones makes no sense.  What's happening there that lets the character roll with Hot?  Is there some magical property of the character's speech that physically damages the person they're lashing out at?

Pass the buck is a really cool idea, but needs more development.  It seems like right now, the Editor can just say "He did it", be automatically believed, and no longer be tangled up by the wronged person's strings.  I think the fiction will be better served if the Editor has to work to justify the blame he's placing.

Monsterhearts / Re: Help/Hinder mechanic?
« on: May 19, 2013, 08:33:29 PM »
Take a look at the growing up moves:

Make Others Feel Beautiful can let them carry forward, as can (to a more limited extent) Share Your PainCall People on Their Shit and Intervene Against an Act of Violence can give people penalties or simply make them fail.

Similarly, there's no default Read a Person/Situation move, but the werewolf can take Heightened Senses.

The point is that by default, these characters are incredibly self-centered.  They don't have a mature understanding of how to interact with each other.  They have limited understanding of the world around them.  The emotional connections they do have (strings) are something they only know how to use for their own benefit.

Monsterhearts / Re: Turning Same-Sex PCs On
« on: May 07, 2013, 08:03:19 AM »
Should other internal features of characters be influenced by dice rolls?  Tendency to dialogue, patience, desire for a family or a long-term vocation?  Taste in music?  Desire for bloodshed and violence?  Gluten intolerance?  Any of those could change during adolescence or in game-play, but we leave that to the player's discrection.

In fact, desire for bloodshed and violence is influenced by the dice in MonsterHearts:  For many skins, that's what the darkest self is.

MonsterHearts is by design a game where PCs have very little control over their character's feelings.  It's most obvious with Turn Someone On, but it's equally the case for Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady, most of the Darkest Selves, and several skin moves.

The point of MonsterHearts is that these characters aren't really in control of their own feelings and desires, whether it's the sudden desire to make out with other dudes, or the sudden desire to consume the flesh of the living.  Sure, it's removing player agency, but it's doing so in service to the game's theme.

Unlike D&D, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay doesn't let you choose your class.  You roll for it on a table.  Because WFRP is presenting a world that portrays the nasty, brutish, and short reality of middle ages life.  Peasants trod on by those who have achieved power by accident of birth.  If you roll well, hey, you're a Knight or  a churchman.  If you roll poorly, you're a farmer or a guy who crawls around sewers with a terrier for a living.

Ask yourself this:  "Am I okay with shut someone down dictating how I feel about being bullied, or hold steady dictate how fearful I am?  Would I be okay letting a table dictate whether my character is a peasant or a nobleman?"  If you answer "no", then maybe MonsterHearts just isn't the game for you.

If you answer yes, then clearly you have a more specific problem with turn someone on.  Despite all the talk of the Kinsey Scale an fluidity of human sexuality, I agree that it's somewhat unrealistic insofar as as it leads to "everyone is bisexual" syndrome.  That said, "everyone is bisexual" is no less realistic than "that dude is a vampire and that dude is a werewolf".  and just like the latter, the former fits the genre and makes for more interesting play.

If the unrealism of it bothers you, or you're bothered by the move or it's consequences for other reasons, then just house rule it.  I and some of the others maybe wouldn't have as much fun in a game where "Turn Someone On" was de-fanged, but if it's not working for you, then come up with a solution that does.  But don't be afraid to push at your own boundaries, because that's where the most interesting play happens.

Apocalypse World / Re: Seduce or Manipulate Questions
« on: May 07, 2013, 07:45:25 AM »
1. For the barter move - what's the difference between using 1 barter as leverage and rolling+hot vs using 1-barter for leverage and auto-scoring a 10+? Is this rule there as a money=power thing?
Remember, on a actual seduce/manipulate 10+ you wouldn't have to give them the barter.  You just have to make the promise, not keep it.

And, depending on the promise, you might not have to give them the barter on a 7-9 either.  Are they doing what you want because you're going to pay them?  or are they doing it because you're rich and it's in their interest to have rich friends?

Monsterhearts / Re: I could run a Monsterhearts game maybe?
« on: May 04, 2013, 06:33:38 PM »
So monsterhearts works best when it's a game about the interactions between PCs.  I think that's equally true of PrimeTime Adventures (though I haven't played it).

When a monsterhearts game I played in focused on the larger political struggles between adult monster groups, it really fell flat.  It can handle PCs (or a subset thereof) vs. an NPC menace pretty well, but as soon as those NPC menaces start interacting with each other in ways that the PCs need to be aware of, it takes you away from what makes monsterhearts good.

Urban Shadows (look for it in the hacks section of these forums) is much more about the politics of supernatural factions.  It's great, but doesn't really spend much time on the highschool drama aspect.  If you're inclined you could hack together elements of both.

The nice thing about PTA is that it supports a more diverse group of PCs.  It would be possible to have some of the PCs be highschoolers just discovering the supernatural world and others be high up movers and shakers within that world--without the problems that combining high power and low power characters would cause in a more traditional setting.

Monsterhearts / Re: New Skin: The Mentor
« on: April 21, 2013, 06:23:41 PM »
I think this is a really solid "growing up" skin.  The moves are solid, the darkest self is great.  The ability to gain growing up moves as a regular advance makes perfect sense.

I'd like to see training montage re-worked so NPCs can benefit from it.  It seems a bit silly that you'd have an apprentice that you're training, but then not be able to use this move to train them.

The sex move is good, but generic.  If this is intended to be the only "growing up" skin, it's great as is.  But if you want to leave space for others, you might want to come up with something more specific to a mentor-type character.

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