« on: June 22, 2011, 10:59:00 AM »
I love the idea of a pre-written table! I could roll a d100 and look stuff up.
But that's why I need to MC Apocalypse World - to break this sort of habit.
I have spreadsheets for most games with lists of NPC names, randomencounter tables, statted up generic folks, hit locations, currency calculators. I make maps, write background, develop histories for famous NPCs. And then when we play I get frustrated. My players won't read 27 pages of the history of Madeuplandia, don't care it's Baron Fred rather than his twin brother, Viscount Eric and so on. All that one sided prep, going to waste!
With AW the point seems to be that the game has to be collaborative. Even if only because the background is 11 words - "The apocalypse was fifty years ago. There is a psychic maelstrom.".
But being stuck for inspiration needn't be solved by having concrete details. I'd get some inspirational phrases on a piece of paper and stick it on the wall opposite me - so when I look beyond the players and try to picture a scene I see it.
"Smells, looks, tastes, feels, sounds wrong."
"Everything is fucked up. Except/Including"
...that sort of thing. (c: