Laying On Hands

  • 7 Replies


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Laying On Hands
« on: June 22, 2011, 07:16:11 AM »
When an Angel lays on hands, and rolls more than 7, they heal a segment.

7-9 they are "acting under fire from the patient's brain" (but the segment is still healed)

This means they need to roll for acting under fire, and if they get a 7-9 then they've suceeded (that segment is still healed) but have to be offered a hard choice etc. About.. what? The patient's/their brain? ("You heal the segment but it costs you s-harm"?)

What happens if they fail the "acting under fire"? They've not healed the segment?
What happens if they roll 10+? Is it the same as rolling 10+ on the original Laying On Hands? Or is it still different further?

Re: Laying On Hands
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2011, 09:59:21 AM »
On the first roll, if they get a 7+, they heal one segment.  That's done.

If their roll was 7-9, then they're also acting under fire.  The patient is launching a mental attack on them, while they're maybe a little more vulnerable because of the psychic link during the healing.  What's that look like in your game with your psychic maelstrom?  That'll help you determine what "under fire" looks like.  If they miss their second roll, you make a move that follows from this fictional attack.  That could be S-harm if you like.  Or 1-harm AP.  Or turning the move back on them or future badness or ...  If they roll a 10+, they endure or dodge the mental "fire" and you narrate that and move on.  On a 7-9 you come up with a worse outcome, hard bargain or ugly choice about the mental attack.  

Maybe like: "OK you can tell that she's healing, but Keeler's brain is revolting against the got a seven?  Alright, she's like in your brain, picking through your memories, trying to learn things about you.  You want to let her do that and take three hold like she'd read you or take 1-harm AP?  Either way, what do you do next?"



  • 1293
Re: Laying On Hands
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2011, 10:13:08 AM »
With Christopher!

In all cases, they've healed the segment. That comes first, and isn't up for grabs later.

Acting under fire has a second, crucial clause that most people gloss over, which is: dig in to endure fire. When someone's acting under fire from their patient's brain, it's this second kind.

On a 10+, they're cool. Their patient's brain attacks them but they can take it, and when it's over they're unhurt.

On a 7-9, you'll have to think of something that can go a little bit wrong when someone's brain attacks someone else's. A worse outcome: "you're basically okay, but pretty shaken. Take -1forward." Or if the patient is a PC: "your brain, as you'd understand, now hates them a lot. Make your Hx with them -1." A bad choice, supposing that the angel's been keeping secrets for people (not uncommon): "their brain hooks into yours and starts to pry things out. Which of the secrets you've been keeping does it learn?"

On a miss, you'll have to think of a hard move that can happen when someone's brain attacks someone else's. You could make a case that 1-harm has been established, by extrapolating from the brainer's playbook, and just inflict 1-harm. You could capture the angel: "their brain attacks yours and overwhelms it. You're stuck inside them. You can see through their eyes if you concentrate, but it's really hard with their brain hammering on yours like that. What do you do?" You could take away their stuff: "their brain attacks yours and you feel something inside you burn out. Put a mark next to healing touch - you can't use it again until you find a way to heal it."

In short, the patient's brain attacks the angel's, and it's not part of the healing at all. It's a whole new thing to resolve.



  • 34
Re: Laying On Hands
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2011, 10:47:57 AM »
Thank you both, that makes good sense!

Re: Laying On Hands
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2011, 11:40:17 AM »
Put a mark next to healing touch - you can't use it again until you find a way to heal it.


Re: Laying On Hands
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2011, 06:26:34 AM »
This is perhaps moving just a tiny bit off-topic, but with the thread named what it is, it has to be said.

The Touchstone has shitty Weird, which makes them terrible at using this move. This is a little saddening, as we all know what everyone would immediately start thinking of a Touchstone with healing touch (and the Weird to use it) as. Now the question is, is the Touchstone's shitty Weird an attempt to prevent such shenanigans, or is this entirely coincidental?

Re: Laying On Hands
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2011, 10:16:28 AM »
I really think it's just because Touchstone, while being a leader, is reality-grounded. He is not weird, his belief is a human belief, an idea without Maelstorm to support it. Pastor Book could not heal Kaylee by his belief alone. It doesn't make him any less spiritual

Re: Laying On Hands
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2011, 02:04:12 AM »
I really think it's just because Touchstone, while being a leader, is reality-grounded. He is not weird, his belief is a human belief, an idea without Maelstorm to support it. Pastor Book could not heal Kaylee by his belief alone. It doesn't make him any less spiritual

Oh, very true. It just made my paladin-wannabe friend a sad bear.