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Messages - lin_fusan

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Apocalypse World / Re: Numbers
« on: September 27, 2011, 02:08:45 AM »
Number of players: 4
Number of PCs: 7 in total. 1 retired, 1 died voluntarily
Max number of active PCs: 5 for 0 sessions (one player has chosen a second character, but hadn't developed her until the end of the session)
Number of sessions so far: 8

Character progressions:

Smith: Battlebabe => Operator

The Colonel: Hardholder=> Retired
Specialist Frank Drake: Quarantine

Kickero: Angel=> Dead
Ultra: Faceless

Navarre: Gunlugger
Tammy M Jackson: Savvyhead (second character)

No allies yet. The only one with advanced moves is the Gunlugger, and ze has -2Hot still.

At 8 sessions and practically a whole new cast of characters, it feels like a completely different game, just with a set backstory. In fact, we haven't been able to play very regularly, so with the new characters, I ran it like a 1st Session, and it went remarkably well.

Apocalypse World / Re: A couple questions about the Operator
« on: August 05, 2011, 01:20:07 AM »
The playbook itself says that unworked obligation gigs are opportunities for the MC. So the player would have no incentive until after the MC responded with fuckery.

Apocalypse World / A couple questions about the Operator
« on: August 04, 2011, 01:18:54 PM »
I just wanted to see if I'm reading the playbook right:

1) Operator starts off with some starting gigs. She assigns crew to each one.
2) Before she even rolls moonlighting, it is assumed that these gigs are hanging jobs waiting to be worked. In other words, someone has employed you to do something and is waiting for that job to finish.
3) You roll moonlighting and take profit or catastrophe.
4) You erase the profited and/or catastrophic gig because they are done. And you deal with the consequences.
5) Whenever you get a new gig, any new gig, you add one to your juggling.
6) Whenever you finish a gig on-screen, you take profit or catastrophe (based on the narrative).

So does that mean it is possible to have more juggling than gigs?

So with unworked gigs, does it literally mean you haven't touched that job, or does it mean it's ongoing (the crew member is still in the middle of employment and it hasn't reached a conclusion either way)?

Apocalypse World / Re: holdless scenarios?
« on: July 30, 2011, 03:24:37 AM »
A couple weeks ago, I ran a 1st session where there is no holding. Instead, the Driver is leading a caravan to the Beach, or Santa Monica, where there is food aplenty, life is safe from harm, and its a paradise.

The caravan stops at each dinky town to put on a show by the Skinner and her backup dancers, who perform songs from the pre-Apocalypse classical group, the Spice Girls.

There is no real leaderahip, the caravan follows the Driver and the Skinner only because they seem to know where they are going, and a Dustbowl is slowly engulfing the land.

And there is a Brainer kid and and and old Hoarder to make everyone else seem normal.

I'm thinking Ron Moore's Carnivale, but everyone else wants Priscilla Queen of the Desert.

I made the mistake of not making their first town seem real enough; I was expecting them to pack up and leave so I didn't invest too much time to the town.

Also, I didn't push the scarcity involved with a holdless caravan; fuel, food, power, parts, and purpose.

Apocalypse World / Re: Help - my skinner want a workshop
« on: June 17, 2011, 06:38:14 PM »
For inspiration:

Perfume: The Story of a Murderer

and the book it was based on:

I suppose you could go the D&D route and ask what sort of perfumes the skinner wants to make and base the "ingredients" on that. For example, I want to make a love perfume. Ok, first you need the distilled essence of true love.

Er, how do I get the distilled essence of true love?

Well, first you need a way to detect true love between two or more people.

Um, how do I do that?

Oh! Well, you need to make a true love detector (or something more awesomely named than that)!

Apocalypse World / Re: Extended Mediography
« on: June 13, 2011, 01:14:56 AM »
I've been watching "Sons of Anarchy" for inspiration for choppers. It has some great stories about loyalty and power politics in a supposedly sleepy Northern California town (it even mentions Oakland or Fremont, near where I live!).

Also, while attempting to make a AW hack to play a "Farscape" game, I noticed that the game could practically be played as-is. Maybe slight bonus moves for playbooks to represent aliens, but the show has fundamental scarcities, issues of loyalty, and even fetish wear!

Edit: Oops! Vincent already mentioned "Sons of Anarchy" in the book! Beer plus posting equals no fact-checking.

Apocalypse World / Re: Healing for NPCs
« on: June 09, 2011, 02:38:55 PM »
I actually use the rules straight from the Angel playbook. 4 days unconscious under an Angel's care for 1-harm, 1 week for 2-harm, and roll on an Angel kit if the NPC doesn't die instantly for 3-or-more-harm.

Apocalypse World / Re: The part of the secret
« on: June 05, 2011, 02:54:15 PM »
I think secret thoughts and motivations are fine (except when making moves), but secret actions are a problem.

I ran a one-shot at our local Bay Area convention, Kublacon, and players started passing secret notes to each other. It was fine (until everyone started doing it), and soon there was a problem of knowing who is doing what and when. (We had to backtrack several times in order to establish everyone's physical location.)

In one of my home games, there was an email discussion about whether or not zombies existed in the world, and two players kept emailing each other about the whys and why nots. I had to jump in and say that this discussion should be in-game, because we would inevitably run into the situation where the other players would have to get caught up on the new background fiction, and those players would want to add their own spin on the subject, which would undo the whole email discussion.

In a collaborative world-building game like Apocalypse World, the more the players are adding to the fiction, the better. The characterscan keep secrets, and that's awesome.

Apocalypse World / Re: Healing downtime
« on: May 22, 2011, 02:09:48 PM »
The poor Gunlugger keeps getting harmed!

Session 3 saw the liberation of a town oppressed of fascist rule, and the Gunlugger took a week off narco stabbed to recover from the fight.

Session 5 saw a missed roll with a grenade. The Gunlugger hit 10:00 out in the wilderness and had to bravely hold his/her guts in while stumbling back home! The Angel had to knock her out for 24-hours.

So all of us are getting an education on the healing rules!

I have to say I love the Gunlugger and his/her player. In real life she's this kind, sweet gal, but in the game she's this awesome stone, cold killer. The contrast makes it even more awesome!

Apocalypse World / Re: Healing downtime
« on: May 20, 2011, 05:52:22 PM »
My initial post (#1) was referring to this section of the Angel playbook:

To use it [the angel kit] to speed the recovery of someone at 3:00 or 6:00: don't roll. They choose: spend 4 days (3:00) or 1 week (6:00) blissed out on chillstabs, immobile but happy, or do their time like everyone else.

In post #4, I mentioned the Gunlugger being out for 24 hours, and yes, I choose that option.

Also, I did allow the Gunlugger to open their brain to the psychic maelstrom while being out for 24 hours along with my generic questions.

Apocalypse World / Re: Questions from a rookie
« on: May 16, 2011, 08:58:40 PM »
1) I pretty much let the players run with the creation of the world. I'll add details as they are describing it, but they lead, I follow.

For example, my Gunlugger gained a gang. I asked her where the gang came from and she told me that they had abandoned a town to join her (they were her family). When I asked why they abandoned a perfectly good town, she told me that that area on the map was getting swallowed by a Dustbowl.

So now my Hardholder has to worry about the incroaching Dustbowl!

2) The chopper's gang is a great series of NPCs to create triangles with!

Also, when they arrive at each town, ask if they know anyone there, especially if those people will be helpful to them. Players are always angling to make things "easier" on themselves and will create an array of helpful NPCs. But NPCs who are helpful to one player aren't necessarily helpful to another!

3) My group has a hard time with holds. They tend to spend them all in one shot because they are afraid that they'll forget later on.

4) Every NPC is a threat, but if I don't quite know what sort of threat, I'd let it simmer for a while and ask questions about the NPC(s).

5) I have trouble with Fronts myself. I tend to lump them together conceptually first by Fundamental Scarcity and then by location. Sometimes Threats kind of hang out on the side until I find out that they should belong in an already established Front.

Apocalypse World / Re: Healing downtime
« on: May 16, 2011, 02:37:09 PM »
If anyone wants to know, I tried this new "technique" last night, with the Gunlugger out for 24-hours for medical treatment, and it worked pretty well.

I went around in a circle as usual, asking for actions which led to moves, but with the Gunlugger, I asked some broad questions to help define the world. While she was frustrated being "out" (her gang decided to pick on the player Angel character, hee hee), she liked being asked to participate with the questions.

I learned something new!

Apocalypse World / Re: Healing downtime
« on: May 14, 2011, 01:16:25 AM »
Yeah, I try to do that, but sometimes it ends up with a moves snowball, and suddenly I've spent 45 minutes with one player, and everyone else ends up bored.

You know, I think I just figured out a solution: ask for actions and moves with the active player, and spend time with questions with the narcostabbed player(s). They may not be doing moves, but at least they are adding to the fiction. Heck, even ask them what their favorite NPCs are doing.

Apocalypse World / Healing downtime
« on: May 14, 2011, 12:16:14 AM »
How do other gaming groups handle healing downtime? Say that three characters have hit 6:00 and want to be narcostabbed for a week to heal up, but 1 character doesn't want to do that, and instead want to the talk to NPCs, get into fights, and generally keep playing.

Apocalypse World / Re: When to reveal the custom moves?
« on: May 05, 2011, 10:42:44 PM »
It feels like you want a harm-like move, except with +barter instead of +harm. But contextually it should be rolled right away.

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