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Messages - octoscott

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the nerve core / Re: Quick question on game sales perspective
« on: August 22, 2010, 06:39:34 PM »
Awesome, look forward to holding the real deal in my hands.  MC'd my first session last week, all of the players had a great time and we're playing again in a couple days.

Great work man!

the nerve core / Quick question on game sales perspective
« on: August 22, 2010, 02:30:12 AM »
Was wondering to myself since pre-ordering (aside: hey wheres my book?) but do you as the designer prefer that a customer purchase directly from your website or is it better to buy a copy of your book from a retail store if I can find it? 

Seems like you probably make a couple bucks more from a direct buy but I'd love to get more demand in retail for games I intend to buy if it's helpful to do so from your perspective.

Hope that makes sense.

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